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  1. XxX KennyLover XxX


    I don't know. What is your dream job?
  2. XxX KennyLover XxX

    Yuck Or Yum?

    Yuck White bread?
  3. XxX KennyLover XxX

    The Girls Life Quiz

    Updating again. 1. How old are you? 14 2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No 3. Have you ever been on a date at all? I'm not sure 4. What grade are you in? Moving to year 10. Don't know what grade that is 5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? A pet dinosaur 6. Do you...
  4. XxX KennyLover XxX


    Erm... I don't know. Do you like Star Wars?
  5. XxX KennyLover XxX

    Yuck Or Yum?

    Yuck Grapes?
  6. XxX KennyLover XxX

    Your favorite way of carrying your tamagotchis?

    I have a batman lanyard that I would have 15 on at once. It was really heavy and the clattering noise was really loud and constant. I keep them in my pocket and 2 on my lanyard. I don't want to put them in my backpack in case I can't hear them and they die :o . I need to find a better way of...
  7. XxX KennyLover XxX

    What is your Favourite Chocolate Bar?

    Cadbury dairy milk with oreo.
  8. XxX KennyLover XxX

    How many of you still sleep with a stuffed animal?

    I have most of my stuffed animals. A few favourites are a pink bear I got when I was born, 2 Clangers, a diplodocus, a turtle and a bear my uncle had when he was 5 or something. When I sleep with them I usually throw them away in my sleep so I stopped sleeping with them because I had to pick...
  9. XxX KennyLover XxX

    what is your first website that you open on your computer?

    Gmail Yahoo FML Explosm Tumblr Youtube Dragoart It used to be Tamatalk first but I stopped coming on here for ages. Don't know why but I just did.
  10. XxX KennyLover XxX

    What's the longest you've stayed up?

    About 3 days too. My brother always stayed up late and I always thought it was amazing how he could do that. I tried so hard and in the end I fell asleep on the stairs and my dad woke me up by pouring water on me.
  11. XxX KennyLover XxX

    If you could move away right now...?

    Outside the universe. I know it doesn't exist but it'd be really cool. I just want to see what it's like.
  12. XxX KennyLover XxX

    what is the meaning of life for you?

    I guess for me it's just doing what I want and not harming anyone else on the way.
  13. XxX KennyLover XxX

    How do you avoid boredom?

    This'll probably sound bad but I annoy people. I'll poke them, get in the way of what they're doing, sing in their ear, wave my arms about and other annoying stuff. I'll poke my cat until he gets annoyed. I'll walk round the house singing opera. Never do anything productive. This...
  14. XxX KennyLover XxX

    Embarrassing moments! :o

    I was eating in McDonald's with a friend and part way through eating I sneezed. Food and snot went down my shirt and because I had moved my head so violently during the sneeze snot and food had also gone onto my face. I don't know if anyone other than my friend saw but if they did I think they...
  15. XxX KennyLover XxX

    What's your current MAJOR pet peeve?

    When girls act dumb around guys to look 'cute'.
  16. XxX KennyLover XxX

    Whats the last thing you ate?

    Crispy M&M's
  17. XxX KennyLover XxX

    What's your current MAJOR pet peeve?

    When you sleep in a certain way then when you wake up your neck hurts.
  18. XxX KennyLover XxX

    Write your username!

    XSDXXxxsX Kernjnjmhy7LPOIopv er XDzxxsXD With my heel
  19. XxX KennyLover XxX

    Write your username!

    XxX Kwnnytlwivwe XxX With my fingers but blindfolded.