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  1. ForgottenUsernames

    First World Problems

    The glitched Nintendo logos. It happens incredibly often, I guess it's what I get for buying all my games second-hand.
  2. ForgottenUsernames


    Welcome back!
  3. ForgottenUsernames

    What are you listening to now?

    // This song brings me back. Back in the day, I had no idea that Sega GT 2002 and Jet Set Radio Future were sequels to Dreamcast games.
  4. ForgottenUsernames

    Pokemon Sun & Pokemon Moon

    Excited for the game ever since my friend showed it to me on his apple peasantry. Can't wait to see how it is, I've got my 3DS and I'm ready for it.
  5. ForgottenUsernames

    Stuff you are obsessed with

    feel the cheesb
  6. ForgottenUsernames

    What Are You Playing Now?

    The last game I've played recently is Sonic CD, first time in 4 or so years. There was a reason. Hopefully I'm not closing the thread down by accident.
  7. ForgottenUsernames

    What made you happy today?

    GradeAUnderA is doing an AMA and I didn't miss the opportunity.
  8. ForgottenUsernames

    Last Post Wins

    F o r C h i l d r e n
  9. ForgottenUsernames

    Does anyone over the age of 16 still play with tamagotchis?

    Probably will still be into it when I'm 16+
  10. ForgottenUsernames

    Pokemon Sun & Pokemon Moon

    Saw the announcement because my friend showed it to me on his peasantry. All I can say is that I can't wait for more details on the game!
  11. ForgottenUsernames

    What's your current MAJOR pet peeve?

    100% same The only place in my house an iPhone is going is the trash, or to add injury to insult, THE TRASH COMPACTOR MUAHAHA!
  12. ForgottenUsernames

    What's your current MAJOR pet peeve?

    When people call my Android Tablet an iPad THERE'S A FREAKIN' DIFFERENCE, YOU KNOW.
  13. ForgottenUsernames

    Last Post Wins Still, I'd rather watch the dryer channel than, say, Smosh.
  14. ForgottenUsernames

    First World Problems

    A little bit of a cliche one but this.
  15. ForgottenUsernames

    IrDA and Mac

    If no irDA adapter works on OSX, My advice would be try to dual-boot the (superior imo) Windows using Bootcamp. Also, don't give me stuff about viruses, because macs get viruses too, so you aren't really less vulnerable if you don't dualboot Windows.
  16. ForgottenUsernames

    First World Problems

    The only webcam I can use right now is in my Tablet and the stupid Skype app for android doesn't like when I attempt video chat on my tablet.
  17. ForgottenUsernames

    Fire Emblem Fates?

    I have no money. *gets hit in the back by a plastic bin*
  18. ForgottenUsernames

    Last Post Wins

    I know exactly what that game is just by seeing it.
  19. ForgottenUsernames

    Last Post Wins

    Me on valentines day That's cranberry juice, because I'm obviously not old enough for wine.
  20. ForgottenUsernames

    Guilty Pleasures

    Neko Atsume.