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  1. S

    Bandai Wants To Know #4

    Yes, I visited it 4 months ago even before I purchased my V4s! :) I thought it was really good fun, and it was a good idea for bandai to decide to let people get gotchi points, souvenirs and items from the online tamatown site. :) It will also appeal to younger children due to it's bright...
  2. S

    Bandai Wants To Know #3

    I have 4 V3s which are not active at the moment. Like all versions, I didn't get bored until I'd completed the souvenir list, items list, and achieved getting certain characters and high generations. :) If someone were to give me a V3 with a shell design I really liked, it would probably...
  3. S

    Bandai Wants To Know #2

    I live in the U.K. so we have different shell designs to the U.S. So far, I own the following V4 designs: White with dots Skyblue with clouds And I'm also planning on getting the blue with swirls pretty soon - I think that one looks great! :) -sk8er girl-
  4. S

    Bandai Wants To Know #1

    I have purchased a V4 - 2 acctually! :) I am really enjoying them and I'm still not bored a bit, even after almost 4 months of owning them. :) I think bandai did a brilliant job of the V4. It looks like alot of hard work & effort was put into making them. Thumbs up for bandai and the...
  5. S

    Little andro

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :) Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :) Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM me if...
  6. S

    Me Back!

    Hello! Welcome back to tamatalk! :) I'm sure you'll settle in again prefectly fine. :) Don't hesitate to PM me if you have any questions about any new changes/features around the forum. ;) -sk8er girl-
  7. S


    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :) Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :) Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM me if...
  8. S

    A month ago.......

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :) Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :) Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM me if...
  9. S

    hi I'm new and confused

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :) Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :) Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM me if...
  10. S

    Hi! I'm new!

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :) Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :) Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM me if...
  11. S


    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :) Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :) Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM me if...
  12. S

    How do you play the 'Dance' game?

    It says how to play dance in the V4 instructions. :) Basically, if the left circle flashes, you press the left button on your tamagotchi. If the right button flashes, you press the right button on your tamagotchi. If the middle button flashes, press the middle button on your tamagotchi. And...
  13. S

    Should I?

    Yes, go ahead if you wish, but I'd like to warn you first, that oyajitchis do not get visits from the matchmaker. So your oyajitchis will continue to grow older until they pass away. Unless of course, you find an oyajitchi of the opposite gender for it to mate. Ask yourself "Am I prepared to...
  14. S


    Maybe this should be in the 'Tamagotchi Logs' section? Or if you want other people to tell you about their tamgotchis and their stats, it can be moved to 'What's on your mind?'. Please try to post in the correct section next time. :) -sk8er girl-
  15. S

    help help help!

    To not get a universal adult, you could try to get a 'secret' character by getting around 450+ skill points on any of the three categories. But that may take some time. :) -sk8er girl-
  16. S


    Yes, to get your tamagotchi to wear the make-up, you will need to purchase a mirror from the shop which costs 3000gps on V3 and 4300gps on V4 (excpet in sales when items are offered at half price). The make-up costs 80gps on V3 and 200gps on V4. Make-up can be purchased from the clothes shop in...
  17. S

    help help help!

    I take it your obviously talking about V4? :) Well, 'universal teens' can evolve into any adult - usually the 'universal adults'. So they don't appear to belong to a group/family, and can be recieved because of 'bad' care, low training, neglection, low skill points etc. If it helps, look at...
  18. S

    what does it mean when?

    What kind of old do you mean? What age is your tamagotchi? :) And the 'flashing hearts' are probably because you've used the love potion/honey. But be careful - the love potion only lasts for a short period of time so if you don't want to waste it, make sure you only use it when you want to...
  19. S

    wth?!?! V4 Young Ghost?

    Hmm..That is a bit strange now you've come to mention it. :) I think it would have looked better if bandai did put the adult dorotchi on V4 too. There are the young and old types of other characters on V4 like young mimitchi & mimitchi, young mametchi & mametchi, young kuchipatchi...
  20. S

    what has happend to the tv

    Bandai don't decide to carry some items from previous versions onto new versions of tamagotchi. If they'd kept all of the items from V2 & V3, there wouldn't be any room left on your items list! I think they did the right thing because otherwise, they'd be going over the limit by having too...