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  1. S

    Is my tama V1 POSSESED!

    Hm..Sounds like a glitch. Either that, or your tamagotchi or it's battery could have been damaged and that's what caused the problem. Have you tried resetting it with a new battery inside? ;) If you still can't get it to work, there are still a couple of V1s listed on ebay - so may be a bit...
  2. S

    bugging and debugging

    Yes, like Rensa said, visit the pixelmood website - it gives alot of detailed information and instructions of how to debug a tamagotchi. And remember, before you debug your tama, make sure that it is a U.S. connection, becuase you can't debug connexions. Also, there is a risk that your...
  3. S


    Oh dear. I'm sorry to hear that. ^_^ Prehaps you could make a memorial topic for her? Try to check that the times are correct, if you are going to go to bed, or leaving your tamagotchis for a few hours - that's what I do. And the younger the tamagotchi, the less time it will take to die...
  4. S

    what eles should we bring in

    For the future versions, I think that it would be a good idea if bandai decided to open more shops in the next tamatown. Some of the buildings in tamatown can't be entered like the hospital - so I think it would be more fun if they were! ^_^ -sk8er girl-
  5. S

    Tama Town

    Well, they do don't they? When they go to pick up souvenirs from 5 different countries on Earth. ^_^ I think that tamatown is fine as it is, tamagotchis are meant to have their own little world! ;) And it's more entertaining for younger children. :D -sk8er girl-
  6. S


    I brought my 2 V4s from a local shop 3 months ago. ^_^ Check ebay, or your local toy shops - and I'm sure you'll find one soon! ;) -sk8er girl-
  7. S

    Tamagotchi Game

    Yes, there is already a game called 'tamagotchi simulator' in the tamatalk arcade. It's more based on a vintage type of tamagotchi though, so you can't play games or earn gotchi points etc, like on some of the most recent versions. ^_^ It's the only tamatalk arcade game without a members...
  8. S

    "Please Click"

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :D Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. ^_^ Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM me if...
  9. S

    Hiya! ^_^ I'm new here. :]

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :D Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. ^_^ Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM me if...
  10. S

    Hello! ^_^

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :D Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. ^_^ Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM me if...
  11. S


    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :D Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. ^_^ Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM me if...
  12. S

    Hi Everyone ^_^

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :o Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :rolleyes: Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to...
  13. S


    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :o Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :rolleyes: Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to...
  14. S

    Pyonkotchi & Pyonchichi

    Pyonkotchi is a male, and pyonchichi is a female on V4. They are both from the 'universal' group, which means they can evolve from any V4 teen. It appears that people mostly get pyonkotchi and pyonchichi because of 'low' skill points. If you want a different character, try to aim to get 50+...
  15. S

    has this happend to you?

    No, it's not a glitch - it happens quite alot. You and your sister obviously had different tamagotchi versions, so when you connected, her tamagotchi didn't recognize your character because gourmetchi didn't exist on her version. :D -sk8er girl-
  16. S

    Your choice

    On V4, if your tamagotchi has high skill points, mostly on intellegence, it will be able to get a job as a doctor. :D And maybe, we never know, the hospital on tamatown might be open on V5! :D -sk8er girl-
  17. S


    Yes, but 120 is over 50 isn't it? :D
  18. S

    where are?

    If you mean on the V4 tamatown, the school is the building right in the middle. :hitodetchi: -sk8er girl-
  19. S

    Enrolling School

    Wait for 1 - 2 days, and your tamagotchi should recieve a letter allowing it to attend school. :hitodetchi: -sk8er girl-
  20. S

    I really need help.

    Is your tamagotchi an oldie? If so, then the only possible way to prevent your tamagotchi from continuing to grow old until it passes away is that you will need to mate it with another oldie. You will need a tamagotchi of the opposite gender, when it's an adult, keep refusing the matchmaker and...