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  1. S

    Tama keeps fallening over

    Yes, that's right. It's just a random animation that alot of tamagotchis do. It's a bit like when they fall over after not having enough practise using items like the roller skates and the ball. Nothing to worry about. :) -sk8er girl-
  2. S

    Whats up :]

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :D Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :) Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM me if...
  3. S

    zup I'm Andrew

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :D Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :) Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM me if...
  4. S

    this may be spaming but i NEED to contact a guide!

    You can find a list of tama guides here: Try just PMing them in future instead of making a topic. :) -sk8er girl-
  5. S

    What's your favorite toy or Game ?

    I'm a little bit too old for toys like dolls etc, but I own alot of 'electronic' toys/games. I can't choose between my tamagotchis and my nintendo DS. I love them both the same! :D Tamagotchis are part of my life now - and I collect them. ;) And there's so many different DS games to choose...
  6. S

    has spears gone bonkers?

    She is obviously under alot of stress at the moment and I think she needs a bit of time to sort things out. I hope her life improves - it must be really bad for her right now, and the fact that the whole world gets updates on her every-move dosen't seem to help. :) -sk8er girl-
  7. S

    Horseback Riding Anyone?

    Yes, I go horseback riding every week! :D I remember my first lesson - I learnt how to trot straight away! :) The horse I ride is quite big, and his name is Blue. ;) Pretty good fun, huh? :D -sk8er girl-
  8. S

    Blogagotchi system down

    Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that. ;) Change the passwords and everything so there's less chance of it being hacked into again. Take your time to sort things out - I'm sure none of us tamatalkers will mind. :D Good luck with fixing it! :) -sk8er girl-
  9. S

    It's not fair...

    Everyone decides to have a change sometime - it's part of growing up. It dosen't mean you can't be friends with her anymore, after all, I'm sure there's still some things you have in common. None of my friends are anywhere near the same as me - we're all different, and it makes us unique. The...
  10. S

    is your hair..

    My hair is pretty straight - not too straight though. If I don't brush it, it flicks up at the end. My hair comes about 10 centimetres below my shoulders and it is dark blonde with (natural) lighter blonde streaks in it. And it goes alot lighter in the summer. I'm happy with my hair. :o...
  11. S

    hi everyone! I am new

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :D Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :rolleyes: Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to...
  12. S

    Hello everyone!

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :D Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :rolleyes: Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to...
  13. S


    Double accounts are encouraged on tamatalk. Why didn't you just ask for your username to be changed - obviously only once, because the admin is very busy. :rolleyes: -sk8er girl-
  14. S

    Tama Weight!

    Don't worry, 20 - 22lbs is the minimum weight for a teen tamagotchi - and it's a healthy weight too. :rolleyes: The maximum weight is 99lbs (for all growth stages of tamas). I'm sure your tama won't become ill and die. Just keep up the good care and make sure the hearts are full most of the...
  15. S

    How much weight?

    Minimum weights: Baby - 5lbs Toddler - 10lbs Teen - 20lbs Adult - 30lbs The maximum weight for any growth stage is 99lbs. :rolleyes: -sk8er girl-
  16. S

    Who's your favorite tama?

    I love all the tamagotchi characters, by my favourite is mametchi ( :rolleyes: ) - alogn with memetchi, simisimatchi and togetchi! :rolleyes: -sk8er girl-
  17. S

    how old

    Your tamagotchi will usually recieve the [!] letter in the mail when it is 4 or 5 years old. And you will need at least 50 skill points on any category. :furawatchi: -sk8er girl-
  18. S

    On Tama town....

    No sorry, I'm afraid there isn't anything else your V4 can do in the tamatown preschool excpet for the tama dance game. And when your tama is a teen or adult, it cannot do anything in the preschool. :furawatchi: -sk8er girl-
  19. S

    Debuging your tama!

    There is a 50% chance that the debugging process will work, but at the same time, there is still the same ammount of chance that you tamagotchi will get glitched or damaged. I would recommend to not attempt to debug one of your best tamagotchis - incase their never able to work again. (I have a...
  20. S

    did anyone get the robber on a v.4

    The burgular comes and robs your tamagotchi soon after you have recieved a fortune cookie in your tama's mail, with only 1 star showing next to the gotchi points bag. :furawatchi: Anyway, there's no need to panic or get upset, 100gps on V4, is the eqiuvalent to around 50gps on V3 or V2 - so...