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  1. S


    Yes, keep refusing the matchmaker with your adult tamagotchi, and then when it reaches age 10+, it will evolve into either ojitchi (boy) or otokitchi (girl). Then, you mate your female and male oldies. When they leave their babies after 2 full nights, you wil be left to look after their two...
  2. S

    13 tama

    (Please don't double post - people won't reply to your topics straight away. You need to be patient. :wacko: ) I just posted my collection in Aubrey Hepburn's topic. I have 4 x V2 4 x V3 2 x V4 1 x Mini 1 x Uratama 1 x LPS V-Kitty 1 x V-Penguin & alot of gotchi gear! :( -sk8er...
  3. S

    My New Tamagotchi Collection Census

    Wow! That's a nice collection you've got there Aubrey! :( You seem to be looking after them all well - they seem to be in great condition! :wacko: Excellent job! In a few more years, we'll be seeing your collection doubling! :( Here's my collection so far: (I've been collecting...
  4. S


    Yes, your tama is looking at the blocks - even though it does look a bit like it's eating them. :wacko: I think tamas would prefer a diet of food, not toys anyway! :( -sk8er girl-
  5. S


    I think as well as for decoration, the V4 antenne is to help connect your V4 to tamatown or something. :wacko: -sk8er girl-
  6. S

    Hi I'm tamalight

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :huh: Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :mellow: Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to...
  7. S

    HI! Im New Here

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :huh: Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :mellow: Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to...
  8. S

    V4 Jinsei Mail Information Guide

    Your welcome! :mellow: Enjoy your new V4. :huh: -sk8er girl-
  9. S

    V4 Jinsei Mail Information Guide

    Well, I decided to put together some information about the V4 mail. ;) How do I get the the mail and where is it? First of all, to get to your V4's mail, you'll need to select the 8th icon on your tamagotchi. Bandai replaced the 'lights' icon with the mail icon on V4, so unlike the V1, V2...
  10. S

    I'm new

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :( Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :D Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM me if...
  11. S

    I'm New

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :( Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :D Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM me if...
  12. S


    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :( Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :D Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM me if...
  13. S


    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :( Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :D Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM me if...
  14. S

    been here 4 while but never said hi!

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :( Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :D Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM me if...
  15. S

    My V4 Jinsei Connexion Diary

    Good news! Last night, Santa mated with a maskutchi and now is looking after a cute little baby girl - just as I had hoped! :blink: Santa is due to leave his baby tonight - giving me the job to think of a name for her! :P Santa was offered a job as a new reader so he had to play the...
  16. S


    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :P Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :( Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM me if...
  17. S


    Maybe they did use scissors or another sharp object to open the package? :( That sure was sneaky of them - they could have just brought it for £12.50 rather than saving £12.50 and having a risk of being arrested for stealing. :blink: -sk8er girl-
  18. S

    What is your favorite food?

    Sorry, I may be wrong, but how come only one of you 'friends' is online at a time - then you switch every few minutes? :( -sk8er girl-
  19. S

    What is your favorite food?

    I like Mexican food best - Nachos, dipped in spicy sources! :blink: I also, enjoy Italian food expecially pasta, ice-cream & pizza. :( -sk8er girl-
  20. S

    Do you want to know what kind your mobile is?

    (Please donnot double post. ;) ) Here's my mobile/cell phone stats: Make: Samsung E900 Network: Virgin mobile Description: Black, slide up with camera, video recorder, voice recorder, bluetooth, MP3 & more. ;) Here's an image: