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  1. A

    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Thursday, 6/23 Yes, I'm an insomniac. Anway, Kurio became a Kinakomotchi. I wasn't expecting that, since Tsu married a Tarakotchi and I assumed it had low Discipline. Earlier on, though, I kinda screwed up with Kurio. I forgot to check his heart needs, so when I cleaned up his poop and checked...
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    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Well, the baby's up now. Named him Kurio. Now, I've been used to how independent Mametchi's were. So I'm basically keeping constant watch over this guy. Plus, when Tsu was a baby, I got a training point from using the toliet icon when she didn't have to go, then praising her. Doesn't look like...
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    Farewell, sweet Mametchi

    Tamagotchi's Name: Tsu Tamagotchi's Age: 8 Date of Birth: May 29, 2005 Date of Passing: June 21, 2005 What Generation?: 1 Your Comments: Tsunami, or Tsu for short, you hold a special place in my heart as my first Tama. There was an undeniable charm about you ever since you were born. It's...
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    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Tuesday, 6/21 At 12:03 AM, my precious Tsunami finally left me. I"ll be making a memorial topic right about now. Right now, the Tama's on pause. I'll unpause it when I wake up tomorrow (or today, since it's technically, forget it :o ) and name her baby. Final stats: Age: 8...
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    Can u get Hinotamatchi in the 10th generation?

    My best guess is that every now and then, a character appears in a generation it normally doesn't appear in. I haven't experienced it firsthand, but it seems quite a few people have.
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    My tama has a baby!

    Strange...I don't recall hearing my Tama beep when the Matchmaker came...then again, I think I was listening to something then. But yeah, you probably accidently pressed some buttons while it was in your pocket. My Tama loves unpausing while in my pocket, and sometimes I look at the screen to...
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    The strangest mating couple...

    Some of these may have been said before, but... Mametchi/Mimitchi and Tarakotchi (and that's what happened with my least the kid's not mutated. I think.) Memetchi and anyone (the eyes...THE EYES!) Maskutchi and anyone (imagine a mask on any of the other tamagotchis) Ichigotchi and...
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    Save the Tarakotchis!

    Although this has been done before, my point on Maskutchi still stands here. It's not the Tama's fault if you're a sub-par player and it becomes a Tarakotchi (I think it's one of the 'lesser' characters). Besides, my current Tama recently had a baby with a Tarakotchi the Matchmaker offered. If...
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    Masktchi Petetion poll

    While I admit their grin is kinda....meh, they do have a bit of a charm to them. True, I don't like them as much as other tamagotchis, but they shouldn't be left to die like some people have done. I felt sorry for one of the Maskutchis mentioned here (David, I think was its name) when I heard...
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    Mine's come today while my Tama was seven. Ironically, it was also around 7 PM. I guess it might differ for some tamagotchis, though.
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    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Thursday, 6/16 Well, the Matchmaker came. She offered a Tarakotchi (or whatver the duck is called), and I took it. Tsu is the proud mother of a baby boy that will be named Kurio. I'm gonna pause her for a long time now, so I can show my friend on the 18th when I go to her birthday party. Just...
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    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Wednesday, 6/15 I've had a huge case on insomnia. Must be the birthday cake. :huh: Anyway, the Matchmaker soon be coming anytime soon. It'll be hard to say goodbye to Tsu... But at least she'll leave another Tama for me. :huh:
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    If you don't find its close-up animation cute, then you have no soul :lol: (joking, of course, but it's still insanely cute). Mametchis are awesome.
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    my god

    Refuses what? If you mean it refuses to play games, it's happy and fit (that, or see below). If you want to play, give it a snack or two. If it refuses to eat, is it hungry at all? If so, give it a time out and see what happenes. Same for if its happiness meter is low and it won't play games or...
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    Would you ever do this to a poor maskitchi?

    Actually, I'd be kinda happy to have a Maskutchi once in a while, as long as I plan for it. Something tells me I'm gonna get a lot of the 'better' tamagotchis, and not any of the 'lesser' tamagotchis. Variety is good...
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    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Sunday, 6/12 Tomorrow's my birthday. I'd like to see what Tsu does...and see if she does anything stupid to spite me for how much I've been slacking on her poop schedules. I might pause her for a few days after my birthday. I think it'd be nice if she had a baby and I took her and her baby to...
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    Why does everyone like masktchis?

    Personally, I don't think they're all that bad. They look a tad freaky, but when you think about it, all the tamagotchis look freaky in some way. I think the only reason I don't like them a lot is that they're a sign of bad parenting.
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    somethings up with my tamagotchi

    Was it sick, and were the objects slightly coneshaped? If so, chances are, your Tamagotchi pooped everywhere. The reason I added in sickness was because, if it pooped as much as I think it did, there's no way it could've still been healthy. Unless it was sleeping, though it'd probably still end...
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    HELP ME MY tamagotchis R BEIN KIDNAPED

    Tell her that she has no right to just take your Tamagotchis like that. Tell her she can keep one or two if she wants the things so badly. But tell her they're YOURS. Man, I'd be more ticked off at my parents than I usually am if that happened. If they somehow reset my Tamagotchi and did that...
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    Is it ever Mametchi?

    For those who say they're taking really good care of their tamagotchis, are you SURE you're also keeping their weight low? I think what it is is that you should never let its hunger or happiness drop more than one heart and keep their weight between 10-15 (correct me here if I'm wrong), thoiugh...