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  1. A

    What's the best way of getting a Gozarutchi?

    Okay, I'm a pretty good owner, having gotten Mamaetchi on my first Tama, them Mimitchi, then Mametchi again. But I want something different. I can't get Kuchipatchi this generation, so I'm aiming lower and going for Gozarutchi. What's the best way to get one without risking death? I heard...
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    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    *holds up Tamagotchi and pretneds to be talking as it* Hello, my name is Cid, and I have no idea why my owner keeps getting Kinakomotchis when she gets such bad partners from the Matchmaker! ... *sighs* I'm a hyper little freak. ... I want a Kuchipatchi kthx.
  3. A

    Farewell, sweet Mametchi, Part II: Rivka's Story

    Tamagotchi's Name: Rivka Tamagotchi's Age: 8 Date of Birth: July 6th, 2005 Date of Passing: July 20th, 2005 What Generation?: 3 Your Comments: Rivka grew up almost exactly like her grandmother, except she became a Kinakomotchi instead of a Marutchi. I hope you'll be happy in Tama Heaven...
  4. A

    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Wednesday, 7/20 Rivka has left the building! *bricked* Final stats: Age: 8 Weight: 30 lb Training: 9 Hunger: Full Happiness: Full And I have no idea what to name the baby boy.
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    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Tuesday, 7/19 I had another weird dream. For some reason, I kept hitting my Tamagotchi against something. I assume it was because it wasn't working. Then Rivka said something weird (something like Chole), and got angel wings and began floating off the screen, signaling she was dead. However, I...
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    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Aaaaaaaand Rivka's a mommy now. I got a cute little baby boy from a Robotchi. Go me.
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    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Sunday, 7/17 I had a weird dream about my Tamagotchi. I left my Tamagotchi somewhere for a long time, and forgot to pause it. When I came back, Rivka had a baby girl. The baby flickered from Shirobebitchi to Marutchi to Ichigotchi (that last one wouldn't be possible, since I got Ichigotchi this...
  8. A

    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Saturday, 7/16 Rivka's a Fatty McFatticus. She has almost thirty extra pounds on her. I need to make her exercise more. The Matchmaker might come tomorrow, or today if I'm really lucky.
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    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Tuesday, 7/12 Well...I got myself another Mametchi. Though I was a bit more forgetful than usual with Rivka.
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    Ironic Happenings With Tama's

    When I had a Mametchi, whenever I had birthday cake (my brithday and my friend's birthday a few days later), I fed cake to my Mamaetchi. It's not really ironic, but it's cute and better than smearing cake onto the screen. :o
  11. A

    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Sunday, 7/10 Rivka became an Ichigotchi. At this rate, she'll be a Mametchi. I WANT SOME VARIETY, DANGIT! Hm...I heard Kuchipatchis were cute...
  12. A

    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Friday, 7/8 Wow, Rivka's an emotional wreck. Already does she have six training points, and she's not even a teen yet! She'll definately become one tomorrow, though. I think she'll be an Ichigotchi, like her grandmother.
  13. A

    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Rivka's just moving around. I'm not sure how I got a Kinakomotchi again. I didn't expect a Hanatchi to have high enough discipline. Maybe it's because Kurio's training stat was maxed out (and he still needed several time outs and praises in his teenhood).
  14. A

    Bye, Kurio!

    Tamagotchi's Name: Kurio Tamagotchi's Age: 8 Date of Birth: June 21, 2005 Date of Passing: July 6, 2005 What Generation?: 2 Your Comments: Kurio, your life was a blur. To me, you grew up much faster than your mother, Tsu. Though you were born June 16th, you never really started living until...
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    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Wednesday, 7/6 One hour and thirthy minutes ago, Kurio left me. I was listening to a semi-sad song at the time, so I ended up crying. Final stats: Hunger: Full Happiness: Full Training: 9/9 Age: 8 Weight: 30 lb Stage: Mimitchi I have decided to call the baby Rivka.
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    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Sunday, 7/3 Kurio just had a baby girl with a Hanatchi offered by the Matchmaker. And just in time for the 4th of July, too! The new girl will either be named Rivka, Tidal, or Jess.
  17. A

    Do you find it hard to...

    Nope. My Tama's training seems to go up a lot during teenhood, so I don't have many worries about whether it'll affect the characters I get.
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    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Tuesday, 6/28 Kurio is now a Mimitchi. I got Final Fantasy 7 recently, and I've been playing it like crazy (I'm nearing the end of the first disk). That's why I haven't been on the Internet much. Unless you count looking up FF7 guides and listening to FF7 music. But this is my Tama's log, so...
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    The life of a Dancing Strawberry

    Kurio is a Young Mimitchi now. And I need to utilize the edit option more. That is all.
  20. A

    how many times have you dropped...

    I've never dropped it in water, though it got wet once and stopped working for a while. I drop it on the floor all the time, though. <_< Last night, I had a dream where my Tamagotchi was completely submerged in water. Still worked, though. ;)