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  1. D


    If you hold all three buttons (A, B and C) and press reset while holding those three buttons down, you'll go into ROM Testing mode and that will be treated as a full reset. You might have had a little water in your Tamagotchi or something that made the buttons go without you pressing them if you...
  2. D

    Does anyone have a music star growth chart?

    No, but Tama-Zone is trying to make one.
  3. D

    How to get pure family on v5?

    1: Yes. At least, I'm pretty sure it's 100% certain. 2: Yes again. 3: Yes. Their baby forms should both be Mimifuwatchi (one male and one female) if I remember correctly. 4: I think it's 100% sure. I don't quite remember.
  4. D

    Is v5.5 (v5 celeb) the Royal FamiTama?

    Yes, the v5.5 is the English version of the Royal Famitama. I think it has a couple of differences (besides obvious language differences) though, like extra games.
  5. D

    What's with their instructions -.-

    I've noticed that I see a lot of the same questions asked on Tamagotchi chat sites because of lack of information in the manual. I think that the Japanese Tamagotchi actually have a booklet for instructions while we just get a sheet of paper that sort of expects you to know a lot already. Like...
  6. D

    How to Get Mimitchi

    I have a feeling that Mimitchi can only be obtained on odd numbered generations on the Music Star (as opposed to even numbered generations on the v1). I'm currently studying the Music Star growth chart project topic on Tama-Zone. Three people have gotten Mimitchi and all three have gotten it on...
  7. D


    Yeah, I saw that a while ago and then later on, when I revisited Music City, I couldn't see it again. I just found it an easy way to get around Music City.
  8. D

    Do you still like Tamagotchis that much?

    I'm not really a big Tamagotchi fan any more, but I've considered getting a Music Star when they come out over here.
  9. D

    Marrying problems (v5)

    You can only visit the matchmaker 3 times a day. After that, to visit her again, wait until the next day or you can simply change the time so that your Tamagotchi's asleep, then change the time so that your Tamagotchi's awake.
  10. D

    Switching between them

    You can't switch characters. As RikkiG said, they share the same stats. You can, however, choose which character you want to marry when the family's old enough.
  11. D

    Who Can Read Japanese

    I can read the odd word here and there...
  12. D

    Secret Characters!

    I think the characters Tamagotchicheerleader were thinking about are the ones under "Secret Characters" on Music City. (To see them, go into your apartment and click on the right TV.) Unfortunately I don't have a Music Star yet (though I'm considering getting one) so I can't give any information.
  13. D


    I don't have a TMGC+C, but I'll answer your questions from everything that I've heard about it. Some of my answers might be wrong, though. 1. As far as I know, you can only cook on the Entama and Uratama. 2. There are seven secret items. After finding one, you will get a happiness symbol...
  14. D

    Which tama should I get?

    Well, I don't have a Music Star yet, but I've heard they're pretty good. I'm actually considering getting one myself, seeing as I happen to play piano and clarinet in real life haha. My favourite out of the other five versions is the v1. It's simple and doesn't require much care and shows what...
  15. D

    If there is an English version of TMGC+C...

    Well, I guess that in the v4 on the cell phone the conversations were just dots because there wasn't enough room to write any English messages on the screen. Hopefully the Colour's screen is good enough to support English text.
  16. D

    Not connecting...?

    On the v5, you'll see the Reset/Download screen if the battery's low and you're trying to connect. Just replace the battery and it'll be fine. The type you need is a CR 2032 3V battery.
  17. D


    kelly778- Yes, that's possible. Mametchi can be gotten on any odd-numbered generations on a v1. Back on topic: Perhaps the growth chart had just missed out that one. I think there are a lot of combinations for a Tamagotchi to evolve on a v2 and v3, which is why I think it's more than possible...
  18. D

    Matchmaker Timings

    The Matchmaker will come 72 hours after your Tamagotchi evolves into an adult. What I mean is that she won't come immediately, she will come at certain times during the day once your Tamagotchi has passed that age. She will visit daily at 10.30am, 3pm and 7pm until your Tamagotchi either gets...
  19. D


    The matchmaker starts visiting when your Tamagotchi has been in the adult stage for 72 hours. The time that your Tamagotchi has been paused won't count.
  20. D

    Japan & America

    As far as I know the Entama and Uratama are incompatible with any Tamagotchi Connexion version. Instead, you can connect an Uratama to an Entama, Keitama, Keitama Akai and, of course, another Uratama. There might be a couple of Japanese versions I've missed out. However, Uratama can only breed...