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  1. KareliaTheTama

    Finish The Song

    @so101isfun No it goes: He was a city boy Born and raised in South Detroit He took the midnight train goin ANNYYYYWHEEEEERE!!!
  2. KareliaTheTama

    Finish The Song

    Next: She was a small-town girl Livin in a lonely world She took a midnight train goin ANNYYYYYYWWHHEEERRREE!!
  3. KareliaTheTama

    You're banned!

    You're banned cuz I'm still on a boat.
  4. KareliaTheTama

    You're banned!

    You're banned because I'm STILL on a boat.
  5. KareliaTheTama

    Heart's Desire

    By then, Shaula had already eaten dinner, and went out to explore. She stumbled upon the Rec room, and decided to play ping-pong with herself. She took a white ping-pong ball, and a single racket. She served it, not too hard, but then ran to the other side of the table and hit it again. She...
  6. KareliaTheTama

    Double Lifes! Tama Superheroes and Villians!

    (^^ OOC: Darcy would make an awesome comic superhero, wouldn't you think?)
  7. KareliaTheTama


    ^^ (OOC: I like Yuki.. Can you plz keep using her??? Pleeeease? I mean, you dont have to, but it would make moar sense.) The music player began to play Get It Shawty by Lloyd. Cali, Gabbi, and Sam exchanged a glance. This was one of their favorite songs. They sang the chorus, line by line...
  8. KareliaTheTama

    Heart's Desire

    Shaula was depressed about Cade leaving, but she had an idea that would help her get better. She dug in her suitcase, and pulled out an orange plastic Nerf-gun pistol and a bag of darts. She sat on her bed and faced the wall, where there was a convenietly placed slick spot, and locked and loaded...
  9. KareliaTheTama

    Finish The Song

    Next: Do what you wanna..
  10. KareliaTheTama


  11. KareliaTheTama

    Stuff you are obsessed with

    Did I mention MLP:FiM?
  12. KareliaTheTama


    By now, Charisma had left, and tossed her flower drawing out onto the rocks. She decided to go back to her typical spot on the rusty blue jungle gym. She just wanted to be alone. The more popular girls walked the track around the playground, and she looked out at the wooden awning filled with...
  13. KareliaTheTama

    Double Lifes! Tama Superheroes and Villians!

    Marni morphed into undercover Dazzilitchi mode, her hair resuming a normal golden color, and her eyes a bright blue. She walked home, and looked at herself in the mirror. "UGHHH!" she growled. "I look HORRIBLE!" She really just looked like a typical Dazzilitchi now, but she didn't like it. "Oh...
  14. KareliaTheTama

    Heart's Desire

    I still have no idea who Shaula is gonna be with.. Not even the slightest idea.
  15. KareliaTheTama

    Heart's Desire

  16. KareliaTheTama

    Heart's Desire

    Shaula shut her eyes and shook her head really hard several times as if to shake off the sadness of a friend leaving. "K, Imma go now.. Good luck with the pasta," she said, her tone seemingly implying "HOW COULD YOU NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR TWIN BROTHER???" even though she did not say it. She had a...
  17. KareliaTheTama

    Heart's Desire

    (Well maybe Shaula thought he did.)
  18. KareliaTheTama

    Heart's Desire

    Shes just freaky.. Really freaky.
  19. KareliaTheTama

    Heart's Desire

    Shaula departed from Angel to tell Blaze. She poked her head into the kitchen and said, "I dunno if you guys noticed, but Cade is gone. He climbed out the window not too long ago.." Shaula's voice began to trail off as she said this, starting out cold and stern, but finishing her sentence with a...