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  1. KareliaTheTama

    What is The Avvie Above You Saying?

    BIG BOUNCING INFLATABLE GREEN BALL Throw it at your friends! Throw it at your enemies! Throw it at your dog! Throw it at your cat! Throw it at yourself! Throw it at your lamp! Throw it at your Lamborghini! And for the really daring.. Throw it at this potato!
  2. KareliaTheTama

    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

    Because I am Poni!! Why am I Poni??
  3. KareliaTheTama

    Diary of the Social Outcasts

    The story begins one day at a tama school in south Tamahassee. (pun!) A group of students accidentally meet in the hallway by a few chance occurrences and they become fast friends.. They each have a diary documenting the ups and downs of middle school life as the misfits, weirdos, and social...
  4. KareliaTheTama

    ^_^ Tama World ^_^

    Itchigotchi's entry: Dear Diary, I got put in a band with a Chamametchi. She seems nice, but she gets on my nerves alot, especially when she kept bragging about how she's gonna evolve tomorrow.. I dunno diary, she seems a bit "out there," but we'll just have to see.
  5. KareliaTheTama

    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

    Because I play the steel flute as well as a wooden flute and a golden piccolo along with the harp and piano. Why am I on a boat?
  6. KareliaTheTama

    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

    Because they both tasted a double rainbow. Why is a wooden flute so awesome?!?
  7. KareliaTheTama

    Kazumii Olsin's Day Off

    So umm.. How's the story?
  8. KareliaTheTama

    Songs You Are Sick Of Hearing

    If It's Love by Train UGHHHH!! First of all, it sounds bad. Second of all, EVERYONE seems to just love, Love, LOVE it, And Third of all: It contains love. GET IT OFFA ME!!!!
  9. KareliaTheTama


    Yup I cen du it better den u... Lol "Hay? HAY?!?! The only HAY we get in New York is, 'Hey, gimme your money or I break your face, And thanks for shopping with us!!'"
  10. KareliaTheTama

    Stuff you are thinking of writing..

    ^^ Same with me.. I could be a WONDERFULLY FAMOUS author, if I actually wrote any of my stories out. Many of them, I turn into Team Stories or RolePlays on this site, because I have an idea, but idk whats gonna happen next.
  11. KareliaTheTama

    +*I Like Purple!*+

    And then I broke up with him the next second cuz he was all like At least think about it and I was all like ok and the next second I was all like no. And he walked off. -Sashaa
  12. KareliaTheTama

    Kazumii Olsin's Day Off

    The reason I came up with the name is because somewhere I heard the name "Kazumi" from somewhere, and I could not get the name out of my head.. Maybe I'll just write the rest of the story with her nickname Kami. Other than that, how was it? I'm still an amateur writer, and I need all the help I...
  13. KareliaTheTama

    Heart's Desire

    ^^ Awww.. So sorry. :(
  14. KareliaTheTama

    Kazumii Olsin's Day Off

    ^^ Good ideah..
  15. KareliaTheTama


  16. KareliaTheTama

    Heart's Desire

    "We won't tell your brother about the hiding place, we promise," Shaula said. "Besides, friends keep secrets for other friends, right?" She then murmured quietly, "Well, at least I hope you guys are my friends, I mean, I have been kinda odd lately, ya know.." Her voice trailed off as she looked...
  17. KareliaTheTama


    We call it Butte NOT Butt Montana!!!! Explosion!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hm. I think I'll sell muffins! I heard you have muffins! Would you like a muffin? Sure! *eats* *BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!* And that is why, kids, you do not pour glue on the streets. This public service announcement was brought...
  18. KareliaTheTama

    +*I Like Purple!*+

    I sadly denied, cuz I DON'T DATE. - Cheshire Cat
  19. KareliaTheTama


    Desert Rose: Random Acts Of EVIL!! Contents: 1% Evil, 99% Hot Gas.