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  1. KareliaTheTama

    +*I Like Purple!*+

    Daaaarn.. Purple is not expecting kittens. The vet said she was like too young and crap like that. So as comfort for being too young, I bought her some grape ice-cream. - Kaylisa
  2. KareliaTheTama

    Heart's Desire

    Shaula walked into the kitchen, ignoring Cade and Angel, grabbed a chocolate cookie straight from the top shelf, and nibbled on it as she walked away. She completely ignored the two other people in the kitchen, as if they weren't there at all.
  3. KareliaTheTama

    +*I Like Purple!*+

    OOC: Wow this girl is CRAAAZY. :D Lightning bolts and French fries. ~Spitfire The Wonderbolt!!
  4. KareliaTheTama

    *~Tama World~*

    Cade was dumped off an exploding airplane. Lindsay bumped into Blaze. That's it, I think.
  5. KareliaTheTama

    *~Tama World~*

  6. KareliaTheTama

    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

    No, I did NOT eat a bucket of cheese, thank-you-very-much. How does I run fast?
  7. KareliaTheTama

    Heart's Desire

    Shaula moaned as she turned over on her bed. "I. Hate. This. Place." Come to think of it, she was actually kinda hungry. So after drying her hair, and a quick change of clothing, she headed over to the kitchen to grab a cookie.
  8. KareliaTheTama

    Heart's Desire

    "Thanks," Shaula muttered, wringing out her long black/brown hair, then added under her breath, "Water.. I hate water." She leaned over to the pool and checked her appearance in the pool. That boy she had met earlier.. was right. Aside from her washed-off eyeshadow and dripping-wet appearance...
  9. KareliaTheTama

    Heart's Desire

    OOC: Ah. Well I hope she posts soon.
  10. KareliaTheTama

    Heart's Desire

    (OOC: Why isnt anyone else posting?)
  11. KareliaTheTama

    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

    Bob the paper diaphragm squirrel. Is the cake a lie?
  12. KareliaTheTama

    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

    Nyan nyan nyanyanyanyanyannyan. Nyannyannyannyannyannyan?
  13. KareliaTheTama

    Heart's Desire

    "I.. Think I'm fine.. Unless my makeup is smudged. Is my makeup smudged?" she asked.
  14. KareliaTheTama

    Heart's Desire

    By the time Shaula woke up, it was 2 whole hours later. She rolled over groggily and sat up, looking at herself in the mirror. She looked like a mess. Her hair was matted, her headband was all wrong, and her makeup was smudged all over the pillow. A true mess indeed. Shaula went immediately...
  15. KareliaTheTama

    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

    Because Portal 2 is AWESOME!!
  16. KareliaTheTama

    Stuff you are thinking of writing..

    I have a note in my iPod that I keep all of my story ideas in. Really helps with organization.
  17. KareliaTheTama

    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

    I'm cold. Why am I cold?
  18. KareliaTheTama

    Hit or Miss

    I have no idea so miss. Is ninja
  19. KareliaTheTama

    +*I Like Purple!*+

    Food fight at lunch today.. Heres how it began: I saw that girl who slapped me the other day, and I said Sorry,no hard feelings rite? And she said yeah but why did u kiss me and I said I thought you were a guy. So she slapped me again and I pelted her with grapes, next thing ya no there's a...
  20. KareliaTheTama

    Hit or Miss

    HIT! Has an RBDN account?