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  1. W

    All about you!

    About Me Name:Kean Nickname: none Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: classified Online Me! Email:confidential Blog:? IM:? I game online at:? Faves: Color:Red Smell: Mint Sound: Music boxes Snack: granola bars Stress Food: frozen yogurt Weekend Activity: computer time Hiding...
  2. W

    The firsts of 2010!

    1] Song you listened to? Davy Jones Locket 2] Song you danced to? Davy Jones Locket 3] Song you sang along to? Once upon a December 4] Person you hugged? no one yet 5] Food/Drink you ate? Gum, eggnog with rum 6] Website you visited? Facebook and youtube 7] Tamagotchi you took care of...
  3. W

    Current Mood

    bored, excited, sorta scared
  4. W

    Abdominal pain... help!?

    Is the pain more to the right or to the left, becuase it could be your appendix, are you regular? you know.....Fecally wise?I had really bad cramps like that one time, my doctor recommended lots of fiber in your diet, your bowels could also just be inflamed
  5. W


    Whoa thats awesome! ive always been praying to find something like that! my v2 broke D:
  6. W

    New inventions!

    babies are used for.....sorry i cant comeup with a humane use XDDD cheese graters
  7. W


    Ok thankies guys!!!
  8. W

    Animals ABC

    D is for Dingo E is for Elephant
  9. W


    I really, really want a music star...for obvious reasons i guess, but thing is none of my friends have one, so how do i make a band?
  10. W

    New inventions!

    a cd is used as a frisbee!! a calculater
  11. W

    The whole of 2009

    Brittany Murphey, i havent seen any of her movies, but my family has, so they were sad MJ, i didnt like him personally but i didnt like how the world went into the big shock.
  12. W


    Hey Mckenna!! Welcome back, wherve you been? (This is Keanitchi's new account :) )
  13. W

    True or False?

    ummm....true? Platypuses are not mammals
  14. W

    Are you using a laptop or a desktop right now?

    using the laptop i got for christmas (=
  15. W

    ♥How to open a My-Meebas♥

    whats a my meeba?
  16. W

    Infared Tama Fake

    It says Jidan right on it, of course its fake....although, its not fake to JD.....
  17. W

    Twilight fans!

    Ok, so my friend was in town for a while, she's a huge twihard, and told me how to figure out if your vampire, werewolf, or human. (if you dont have a friend to do this with, look in the mirror :puroperatchi: ) Vampire: If you have the top canines, but the bottom canines are flat, then your a...
  18. W

    Bands/Singers You Think Are Overrated

    Shiloh Lady GaGa KE$HA Avril Lavigne Shiloh sings songs about being herself, yet she'll dress the same, and sing the same music Same with Avril, she used to be good, then she became popular....
  19. W

    The Time Traveller's Wife

    I saw the movie. It was very awesome, so the book must be better =]
  20. W

    Agree, Disagree.

    Totally agree 8D Tape measurers supress boredom.