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  1. W

    How do you describe yourself

    I suppose if it was a cartoon movie I would be Hammy from over the hedge, Im oh so cut and lvable, and wonderfully random and hyper! But if it was something like a real people movie, I would be Riley From the National Treasure movies, Im smart, a great help, and I will always be there when you...
  2. W

    Dear (Insert Name Here),

    Dear sense of right and wrong, I have very strong feelings against you, your always making me behave properly. The point is, please stay out of my brain, thank you for your time, your hater, KRD
  3. W

    Fable anybody?

    I know right? I used to be a total Fable geek, My cousin can beat the whole game in hour, its amazing!!!
  4. W

    New inventions!

    My friend, Pie is used to pad garbage bags Boxes
  5. W

    Fable anybody?

    HEy, has anybody here played the game "Fable"? It is so much fun....
  6. W

    The Big Bang Theory

    I understand completely! My father always says I'll end up like Sheldon, Im already unbearably smart!
  7. W

    Right handed or Left handed?

    Yet another righty right here, my mommy is a lefty mostly, but shes also ambidextrous, it used to amaze me how she could do that
  8. W

    The Big Bang Theory

    Hey guys, does anyone else here watch 'The Big Bang Theory'? Its a show about 4 geeks and their crazya ntics, as well as a new girl that moved into the apartment across from them....ITs a hilarious show, my favorite character, as you can see in my siggy, is Sheldon Cooper, hes freaking funny!!!!
  9. W

    What's a random fact about you?

  10. W

    Reasons I dislike fake tamas

    I dont actually mind them, you see, a true fake would be made out of chocolate or simply not have any virtual capabilities, they are just imitation, and their not imitations to THOSE people, or company or whatever, and the word "tamagotchi", is just that, a word, it doesnt have some big meaning...
  11. W

    new group hatching

    anyways, can i join? oh wait, sorry, i just saw that it said "for 5" so yeah
  12. W


    no, that means I'M not trying to be harsh.
  13. W


    not to be harsh but, NO DUHH!!!! everybody knows Tamas dont even have touch screens, let alone look like that...
  14. W

    Factsss :D

    teehee im full of facts! :3 old english lipstick was made out of beetles
  15. W

    Do you agree with Capital Punishment?

    But their not electrocuted anymore, they use toxins, which reach the heart, and then its over. And isnt the "eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" quote from Ghandi? anyways, after reading all this, Im sorta in the gray zone now, neutral.
  16. W

    Do you have a boy/girlfriend?

    perhaps i can help you out in that department XD ha, jk jk, every girl i like has a boyfriend already so Im outta luck
  17. W

    Things You Like that everyone else hates

    ^*points to title*^ Just like the title says, some for me are: Thrill gum (the soap one) yah, thats all i can come up with, i be lazy at the moment
  18. W

    Twilight fans!

    Im not sure....wasnt prepared for that...
  19. W

    Mental breakdowns.

    Im having them more often now, just a little advice, dwelling in the past NEVER helps mental breakdowns.