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  1. W

    Name that band

    Skillet? Disturbia
  2. W


    Ke$ha is awesome! I love her songs, especially "Take it off", even though it sounds dirty XD
  3. W


    ^Don't judge a book by its cover I saw avatar last night. It was the best movie EVER! I almost wish our world could do the connection thing with the nerve bundles that they can do, it looked so cool, but sortof creepy-ish at the same time...
  4. W

    What do you call cat/humans?

    Like a human+Cat hybrid? I believe thats called a Neko
  5. W

    The Breakfast Club

    David sighed and stepped into the library, not really knowing what to do. He noticed there were others here, so he sat in a back corner, leaning his chair back and staring into space.
  6. W

    The Breakfast Club

    Name: David William Donner Age: 17 Grade: 11 Appearance: David has a very hypnotizing, and attractive look about him. He's not very well built, and seems fragile, which he is. His eyes are a very dark, very masking shade of brown, that change colours in certain light, and his hair is nearly...
  7. W

    It didn't feel like that was me...

    Oh yeah, I know that feeling. Since I moved from the city, where's theres much more freedom to be who you want, I've had to grow up because of alot of things that happen to me. Anyways when I look at those pictures, it's just...strange to see me being me, which I am aiming for now (=
  8. W

    Valentine's Day

    pfft...for us guys (yes I am one) any dinner will do, just a big meal, but it does have to taste good on some level, remember that and you're set for life XD
  9. W

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    I likeys! 9/10
  10. W

    Signature/Avatar -- What is it?

    Well since I cant edit from my last one, because I changed it Avatar: It's a broken brick wall, if you read my siggy, it explains the meaning. siggy: It's something a friend once told me, and I thought it would go beautifully as a signature.
  11. W


    Ha, dont worry, I know several people who dont, but to each their own :D
  12. W


    Ha nice, I have...115 last time I checked, Im not sure though, anyways, if you want you can add me, just pm me for my name (=
  13. W


    Im making a group right now :unsure: you dont need to be a computer specialast (sp?) to know how
  14. W


    haha, your like me, everytime i see something to become a fan of, I do, its an addiction, they should have a "Fan page addiction anonymous" XD
  15. W


    Hey guys, (and gals) So who here has facebook?
  16. W

    How many times do you lie in one day?

    ^ I agree, it depends who Im talking to, and im sure as heck aint proud of it
  17. W

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    I like rhymes, 8/10
  18. W

    Pet Peeves

    Pet Peeves: People who swear CONSTANTLY Typos grammatical errors hypocrites (just in case you don't know, it's someone who can dish it out but can't take it) People who can't take a joke Rap music people who think their "Gangsta" spoiled milk products things that taste funny
  19. W


    Like I said, believe what you want to believe, but yes I am a christian, and have a firm belief in god, though I dont go to church.