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  1. W

    What was the last word you said?

    haha, the sentence I used this word for wasn't very approriate for this "counter"
  2. W

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    9.99999999/10 [;
  3. W

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    10/10, I luff it! {:
  4. W

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    Nice (; 10/10 then
  5. W

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    8/10, just cause I dont know what it means...
  6. W

    Hey there.

    Welcome back! Im Wolfy_want_cookie, or just wolfy, whatever. See ya 'round the forums!
  7. W


    Hey does anyone here play on Howrse?
  8. W


    Do you have one? no, to young :( More? no If yes, which ones? Where? Have you considered getting one? Yes, for a long time now, I cant wait till Im 16 when I can get one. If yes, do you still want to? YES! If yes to previous question, what & where? I wanna get a skull and spine going...
  9. W


    Yes, I have excellent grammar, or shall I say 'adequete'? I am also an adequete speller, and I have a wide vocabulary.
  10. W

    Have you ever?

    Yes, when I was little my bangs were to long, and always in my face, so I had to cut a little window in them XD HYE sewn something for fun?
  11. W

    Scary Stories!

    Nightwatcher, your story sounds cool, but just a smidge unrealistic :D okay, Well it was Halloween, all of my friends except one had went home. Naturally she was my bestest friend. So anyways, we were walking around in a back field, laughing about some forgotten joke, then we look behind us...
  12. W

    Meeting People From TT

    ha, I live in a similar place, it would be neat to meet someone from TT, who knows, anything could happen (=
  13. W

    (Wrong) Song Lyrics.

    On "How does it feel" By Avril Lavigne, she says, "how does it feel to be, different from me are we the same...", and I always thought it was, "how does it feel, to pee, different from me, aufweidersen..." XD my sister got so mad at me when I sang with those lyrics (shes Avrils number one fan)
  14. W

    Does anybody here draw manga/anime?

    Yeah I do, but Im not very good at it, Im better at drawing tattoo designs (=
  15. W


    OMG!!! I friggin luff toy box!!! my favorite is the sailor song!
  16. W

    Do your parents know about TT?

    They know I go on, but they dont know what I do. Sometimes my dad asks me what I do on here, and I just say "stuff", then he says it's a waste of time and goes back to his own waste of time hobby. anyways, they know about it, and that Im on it, but they dont know what I do...
  17. W

    My Drawings

    Nice job! ;D, keep up the good work!
  18. W


    I like eating with chop sticks, it makes me feel proud when i pick something up with them XD
  19. W

    If you had an old account

    My old account was Keanitchi, I changed it because it looked and sounded silly to me, I had an account before that, it was like Tamaguy or something stupid like that...
  20. W


    My Real name is Kean my friends call me Kean, or dork (in an affectionate way), or Kean-o's and yeah, thats it