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  1. W

    Signature/Avatar -- What is it?

    Avatar: It's a very creepy Raven I found on the internet Signature: A segment of "The Raven", by Edgar Allen Poe, my favorite poet evar!
  2. W


    Aha I remember this game, I have like a thousand and one accounts on here and I forgot all of them. (:
  3. W

    Height.. (:

    Im short for my age, Im nearly 14 and only 5'2, and for a guy in my school, Im about 4 inches shorter than most xD
  4. W

    The Person Above Me...

    TPAM is on alot of fun stuff topics...
  5. W

    Stuff you find when you clean your room...

    1. An old silver medal for Tae Kwan Do 2. A butterscotch candy (which was promptly eaten) 3. A letter of Family History from My Grandmother 4. Tamagotchi V3!! 5. Sparkles 6. About a dollar in pennies 7. a car battery 8. a little duracell battery 9. My old V2 10. A MExican Peso
  6. W

    Are you a.......

    I say I only have one sister, but thats not entirely true, I also have one half brother, he's like 20 something already
  7. W

    Do you..

    We all do it. Some smoke, some drink, some eat chips(crisps in Europe?) excessively, etc. etc. I suppose I shouldn't say this, but I have a smoke now and then, they calm my nerves...
  8. W


    I had a dream I was in a Giant Tiger store, bought some DC mittens and fell asleep on the floor, thats when I woke up.
  9. W

    Dear (Insert Name Here),

    Dear Mr. MushedKow (English Teacher) I know how to speak english. I have adequete grammar, and I know how to spell words that I learned in Grade three (believe it or not, eighth graders are not stupid), now I know you're my elder, so I say this with the deepest respect, go lick a donkey Your...
  10. W

    Admit it, K Time was a fail user name.

    aha, now I know who you are! I didn`t recognize you with the new account! But I thought K Time was a fine username...
  11. W


    If I were you, next time she did something like this, I would go up to her, look her in the eyes and politely say, "would you kindly **** off and give my pictures back?", then eye would bat my eyelashes, but thats only because in my school, that works.
  12. W

    The Person Above Me...

    Darn right 8D I do not know TPAM
  13. W


    Aha, thats why I have Bebo, because I swear alot and my parents dont have Bebo, but they Facebook, so I can say whatever I want XD
  14. W


    Does anyone here have Bebo? I do!
  15. W

    Signature/Avatar -- What is it?

    My siggy is a quote from Kung-fu Panda, and my avvie was the only thing I could find that matched it.
  16. W

    The Person Above Me...

    TPAM has a kick ax siggy!
  17. W

    The Breakfast Club

    ooc: I totally forgot I was in this one XD David inspected his fingernails, still leaning back on his chair, and one foot on the desk. He sighed impatiently, waiting for detention to end.