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  1. W

    Bandai wants to know what you think

    1) What’s your favorite tama design ever? Transparent orange 2) Which previous design would you like to see done again on a special edition tama? Transparent orange 3) What’s your favorite tama character? Mametchi 4) What themes/hobbies would you like to see in future tamas? (example -...
  2. W

    Story game

    loopy, who had a....
  3. W

    Bandai emailed me!

    ok here was my email MESSAGE: Hello Bandai!My name is Kean, I know there is not any plans (or so we know of) for you to release the Tamagotchi Color version or the newer iD in America and Canada. If you dont mind me asking, why not? there are alot of people here, who will gladly pay lots of...
  4. W

    Cellphone Details

    Unit of Cellphone:Motorola Krazer km1 Color:Black and Grey Main Wallpaper:My puppy dog Mini Wallpaper:??? Screen saver: i forget Themes:?? Ring Tone:many many Message Tone:??? Other Tones:??? Games:Tetris and pool
  5. W

    What are you eating right now?

    Ham and eggs with ketchup and seasoning salt
  6. W

    Main-gah or MON-GAH......

    haha, Main-gah :D
  7. W

    Animals ABC

    S is for Squirrel T is for Tarantula
  8. W

    Animals ABC

    P is for Parrot Q is for Quetzel
  9. W

    Animals ABC

    I is for Iguana J is for Jack Rabbit
  10. W

    Animals ABC

    c is for cat d is for dog
  11. W

    Story game

    hamburger with a large fries
  12. W

    Story game

    which had a.....
  13. W

    What is this?

    Yah its a v1 my friend had one like that, i remember clearly :P :D :P
  14. W

    Story game

    accidently stepped on a...
  15. W

    1000 Sleepover Pranks

    Get twelve alram clocks, set them each an hour apart,and hide them. that way when people find the alarm clock going off, and finally get to sleep another one will go off. XD
  16. W

    Memorys of 2009

    my cousin joined the army, I got to see more of my extended family this year then my whole life, I think this was the rescession year (or was that last year?), wow, the whole year has gone by so fast.......
  17. W

    Keep out of reach of children.

    once when i was 12, we were in this meat shop, i was playing with this meat grinder, and the metal handle fell off, the WHOLE store went quiet and looked at me. The same time that day we were in this restuarant supply store, they had these knives where you squeeze it and it chops, well they had...
  18. W

    sad news about Brittany Murphy

    that really really sux, she was so young to, RIP B)
  19. W

    Story game

    It was always fun to....
  20. W

    Story game

    he also liked to...