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  1. M

    The story behind the life of the tama queen

    The Kuromametchi jumped up and said,"I OBJECT!" He pointed at the Queen (Her name was Queen Lila Rose) and waved a note in the air,"LOOK AT THIS!" An old tama read the note aloud. It said... Kuro, After you proposed to me last night, and I told you about my family's secret, I want to remind...
  2. M

    __% idiot

    1. [ ] Forgot to put the lid on the blender, turned it on, and had everything fly out 2. [x] Gotten your head stuck between the stair rails 3. [ ] Broken a chair by leaning back in it 4. [x] Had gum fall out of your mouth while you were talking 5. [ ] Choked on your own spit while you were...
  3. M


    Okay, how did this turn into a Twilight convo? Whatevs. FANGIRL MODE: ACTIVATED JASPER IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I LUV U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. M

    So, What's The Worst Book You Ever Read?

    I have a few: Ralph S Mouse by Beverly Clearly-Loved by many children? Yeah, THREE YEAR OLDS! The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling-STUPIDEST BOOK EVER! Wow, a kid eats ONE chocolate and everything he puts in his mouth turns to chocolate. EVEN HIS MOM. Pinky Pye by Elenaor Estes-It...
  5. M

    *Twilight* If you had the chance to be a character

    ^ Well said, my friend. Well said :) I would probably be the following (1 being definetly, 10 being NEVER) 1. Jasper 2. Alice 3. Emmet (sp?) 4. James 5. Jacob 6. Rosalie 7. Victoria 8. Esme 9. Bella 10. Edward *gets anti-fan girl flame weapon*
  6. M

    The Clique

    They get kinda boring after Dial L for Loser. I like Layne, tho. And then Claire.
  7. M

    Which books make you cry/sad?

    I cried when Tonks died in Harry Potter.' And I almost cried when Edward left Bella in New Moon. And when Alice never got to say good bye to Bella, I almost had a heart attack.
  8. M

    Show off your pokemon platinum team :D

    I don't have a Platimun, but I have some tips: - Legendries are EXTREMELY vulenablre to Ice and Dark Pokemon. - Ubers can be vunerable to a lot of Pokemon types. - Have Fire,Water,Grass,Electric,Ice, and Dark Pokemon all your team. (Multiple types are GREAT!)
  9. M

    The tama orphanage.

    You are shown in a small office by a :) . "So, you're here to adopt," she says,"It's a good thing you came to us. We've reached full capacity, and feeding 50 tamas is a lot of work.Sorry Medicham can't attend to you. She's out in the field, checking if they are any orphans there." She adds...
  10. M

    Corrupt-a-wish foundation

    Granted but u get a Dora one. I wish pie tasted like hobos.
  11. M


    o_________________________________o No comment.
  12. M

    Would You Rather?

    Cheese burger Iced tea w/ lemon or w/ raspberry?
  13. M

    Rate the random picture above!

    8/10 Yay pie!
  14. M


    No, they are supossed to go MOOOOOOOOOOO!
  15. M

    Rate the random picture above!

    8/10 A flying egg!
  16. M

    I can, I will, I hope to, I used to.

    I can: eat paper. I will: try not to annoy people. I hope to: Become a writer I used to: be friends with a mean girl.
  17. M

    Catleyn's Ultimate Brain Power Test

    Ooooooh, so close one problem wrong! Nice try, though. Awesome job! You scored 90.00% of the possible points for this test.
  18. M

    The WEIRD game.

  19. M

    The WEIRD game.

    Its weird. Jasper almost ate Bella, so he almost ate a moron!