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  1. M

    this is a weird question

    The teacher cannot tell you who you can or can't be friends w/. If Bob and Tim are twins and Bob is obnoxious and Tim is nice to you, do you HAVE to be friends with Bob if the teacher tells you to? (Correct answer: Negative)
  2. M

    Getting rid of unwanted DS games

    I'd suggest a Garage Sale or something. GameStop buys games for 4 bucks and then sells them for 34.99.
  3. M

    how much pocket money did you last have

    Five bucks in one of my pockets, 10 in a birthday card, and 15 in another birthday card. And I have about $7 worth's of Quarter Collection quarters.
  4. M

    Good friends Gone bad

    Stay away from him for a while, a week or more. After, have a conversation with him or text and tell him that you didn't mean to hurt his feelings. And if he reaaly is using you, tell him to get the *beep* out of your life :]
  5. M

    Do You Believe In Gay Marriage?

    To the people above: You DO NOT have to go to a church to get married. You can just go to a Justice of Peace or whatever they're called and then you are legaly married, but not neccessarily married religiously. If it weren't so, a lot of Athiest couples wouldn't be married. I'm for Gay...
  6. M

    The Forbiden Love

    "I will grant you one wish. But you must choose wisely, it might not be for the best." "I wish I was free to love Mametchi!" Furawatchi said. "As you wish..." The fairy said, dissolving into the air.
  7. M

    The Forbiden Love

    "DON'T DO THAT TO MY DAUGHTER!!" He shouted, pushing Mametchi to the floor. "Dad!" Furawatchi screamed.
  8. M

    What was the last thing you googled?

    To be honest... On Google, I searched "google" On Images, I searched "allison from ANTM"
  9. M

    Problems w/ a boy

    Thanks for the advice, but he was really sarcastic and mean to me last week, and I told him he thinks he's so ganster but he's not, so we're not friends anymore. In other news, I had dream about going out with his best friend O______O.
  10. M

    I'm sorry. I really am.

    Gone are the days when people could hold hands without people getting the wrong idea... Anyways, I also agree with TamaMum. Try to talk with your friend, using E-mail or IM or even having your parents call her parents (save that one as a last resort.) I think you should also talk about this...
  11. M

    What do guys like?

    Most guys like a girl that makes the first move in asking them out on a date. They also have a preference for 'bad girls.'
  12. M

    The Favorite Game

    ... Fav person named Medicham12? (Hint: M_dicham12)
  13. M

    The Banning Game

    I ban you for being online
  14. M

    Fan Or Hater?

    Like. Cherry Pie
  15. M

    Award time

    The Pirate Award! (Aaargh!)
  16. M


  17. M


    You actually think I care?
  18. M

    Award time

    That's mean. But you still get the......NON-EXISTING AWARD!
  19. M

    The Forbiden Love

    There was a Mametchi and a Furawatchi that liked each other a lot. But their parents wouldn't let them date each other. So one day at school...
  20. M


    But then some old lady named Marge said,"Look at how hot I is!" and started doing a pole dance in front of everyone. One of my eyes was blind after that.