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  1. M

    5,000 ways to do with a cookie!

    6. Throw it at someone.
  2. M


    We're halfway there!
  3. M

    The Golden Necklace

    Cody forced Violet to do things just for his pleasure. He left for Kuro City, a shady place where he thought no one would find them. Meanwhile, Lilly found a golden necklace hanging on a tree branch. She didn't show it to the Memetchi (Anne) but wore it to school and all the boys followed her...
  4. M

    Detective Callie

    One day a Maidtchi named Callie walked into TamaTownHigh. There was a whole bunch of people gathered around Millie, a :) and the sub-captain of the cheerleaders.
  5. M

    Tamagotchi Adoption Centre

    I'd like Lilly,Pelly,Rare Egg, and their stats plz.
  6. M


    Sure it is...
  7. M

    5,000 Ways To Get Kicked Outta Wal-Mart!

  8. M


    Lily was put into a Cookie Dough shell. She used to be a beautiful Maidtchi, but now she started as a baby with two mean tamas.
  9. M

    Sakura, the Mimitchi

    "I HAVE LEFT TO MY NEXT VICTIM!!! I'LL NEVER GO TO SCHOOL SO HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHA!" Sakura thought,"He must be after Rose Red, the tutor.
  10. M

    Video game scenes that made you cry.

    The end of Magic Pengel:the Quest For Color When Mono died and Zoe left. When I killed Moltres in Pokemon:Leaf Green. The end of Lights Camera Pants when Patrick (Sneaky Hermit) didn't steal everything. (Lights Camera Pants) When Sandy got to be the Stunt Double instead of Patrick. (LCP)...
  11. M

    Requesting Advice

    Note: Do not make fun of me. In my school, I play flag football. In my team, my BFF, a cheerleader heard one of my teamates saying he liked me. *shrinks* And, you guessed it, I don't like him back. *shrinks more* And the boy is weird. He shows his teeth like buck teeth, and acts sooo random. Do...
  12. M

    The Girls Life Quiz

    1. How old are you? 10 4/5 2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No 3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No 4. What grade are you in? 5th 5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? All the money in existense 6. Do you have any pets? Yeah 7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes'...
  13. M

    Teens in TamaTalk?

    10 turning 11 in a bit over a month.
  14. M


    In my school its NOT okay to be bi. But I hope its not the same in yours. Like that dude hosting the Oscars sand,"It's okay to be gay!" Don't worry, like all these people are saying, curiousity and curiosity.
  15. M

    Innocent or Guilty?

    Yes because pie is awesome. Are you guilty of shooting the dude who shot the dude who shot John F. Kennedy who shot some soldier in WWII?
  16. M

    Boy or Girl?

  17. M


    Isn't That where they go?
  18. M

    guess what artist

    Rihanna Yo Ho Yo Ho A Pirates Life For Me (XD)
  19. M

    tama eddiction test

    Seven. None are active.
  20. M

    Rate The First Name Above

    But I don't KNOW your name. *whines randomly* Claudia (pronuonched Kluh-Dee-Uh)