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  1. P

    chcocolate chip cookies

    With nuts. I love nuts.
  2. P

    How Often Do You Play Your Wii?

    Nice poll. Anyways, I'll play Mario Kart wifi once of twice a week. I'm trying to get my VR to 8000, it's 7650ish right now x[
  3. P


    ooo, new season of Britain's Got Talent? brb watching it. Edit: Christopher Stone and Spelbound are amazing @_@
  4. P

    Your desktop wallpaper!

    I like Snorlax.
  5. P

    Best Twilight Book !?

    The one where Bella's baby died and she kills herself. opps, my bad, spoiler for the next book.
  6. P


    I'm not a cheerleader. I actually hate most cheerleaders, besides the ones that are actually good at it.
  7. P

    You're banned!

    You're banned for being dumb
  8. P


    Right now I'm in boxers. lolo Usually, I have my iPod in my pocket. Or my DS. Sometimes a random piece of paper and pencil.
  9. P

    Pokemon Black and White announced!

    The city reminds me of the top part of the Light House, where you go outside and walk around all 3-Dish...
  10. P

    High School HELP !

    I think the person above me doesn't know I was kidding
  11. P

    High School HELP !

    chill mang Wear Hollister and you will be in with the cool crowd
  12. P

    Half Empty or half full?

    Half empty just like my lifeless black abyss of a soul.
  13. P

    Whats your pokemon team?

    Meganium Gengar Arcanine Togekiss Kingdra Ampharos
  14. P


    Wasn't my favorite episode. Needs more Kurt I did like the Madonna Vogue video.
  15. P

    Foo Fighters

    They're okay. I like Big Me and Monkey Wrench.
  16. P

    banana bread

    I like it with nuts. But it has to be moist and soft.
  17. P

    Pictures of your room!

    ... I can explain
  18. P

    Pictures of your room!

    :3 here are mine (sorry they're a little blurry ;- :lol: From outside my door. Dresser and TV. View from corner.. Can't really see anything :c My shelves. Sorry it's a little messy.
  19. P

    Paint Programs

    Micro Soft Paint.
  20. P

    What is wrong

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