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  1. P

    When do you go back to school?

    August 23rd or 27th
  2. P

    Are you happy with who you are?

    Sure, why not. I wish I had darker hair though and no freckles. idk
  3. P

    Wisdom Teeth!

    My right wisdom tooth is almost finished coming out, and my left one is poking through. My dad said he would take me to the dentist like, 3 months ago. :l
  4. P


    Like a chicken
  5. P

    A car you want?

    A yellow jeep.
  6. P

    What are you reading now?

  7. P


    Make way make way, Pokemon master coming through.
  8. P


  9. P

    What's your bedroom like?

    Pretty big, I pretty much live in the garage. lolololo big family ftl. It's not very tidy, a shirt or towel on the floor here and tharr Blue walls, and ugly green carpet. a mattress flat on the floor with blue sheets a TV two shelves with various items one unfinished window a painting on...
  10. P

    America's Got Talent

    Prince Poppycock went to the next round, and that is all what matters.
  11. P

    Wishes <3

    To destroy humanity with my fists. Or open a novelty candle shop.
  12. P


    I love UglyDolls, I used to get one every birthday using the $25 my grandmother would send me&lt;3 But now I've realized I could use the money to make something better.
  13. P

    Favorite Anime?

    Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi of course.
  14. P

    What song is stuck in your head at the moment?

    Apres Moi by Regina Spektor. yessss.
  15. P

    Whats your favourite Pokemon?

    Right now it has to be my shiny Butterfree that I caught&lt;3
  16. P

    I need advice

    1.) Makeup Is it a good idea for me to wear makeup? I have some blemishes and my mom says people will start making fun of me. Is it a good idea? And if so what are the best type of products? NO. NONE. Only put on things that would cover the blemishes. 2.) Shaving I am starting to grow hair...
  17. P

    Is this website....

    Probably because people only mass-posted in Fun Stuff to up their post count so they can seem ubercoolz with their 1337 post count. With 95% of those posts being in Fun Stuff.
  18. P

    How many accounts do you have?

    This and some derp accounts for TC purposes.
  19. P

    What are you listening to now?

    // &lt;3
  20. P

    Earth in DANGER!

    I will be.