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  1. K

    unfinshed buisness from my last post

    ok.......i want advice plz ( isaid plz so i wont be rude)
  2. K

    Annoying brother :/

    i think that you dont care about the issue, some people arent as carefree and rebillous as you, like in a topic i started, you said to punch the girl that was bothering me, well, a lot of people already know that kind of advice, but dont want to take it because they dont want to get in...
  3. K

    Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

    sorry, i relize, my mistake now, i just dont like ranting (even if i sounded like i was ranting i dont think i was)
  4. K

    unfinshed buisness from my last post

    alright i didnt like the fact that the guide closed the topic because i didnt get to tell you how it all worked out, for all of you who talked about child abuse and starving kids in africa i know that they have a worse life than me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just exsatigrated because i wanted people to...
  5. K

    Nerve problem with guys! XD

    your very welcome, ive never dated a boy though, i firgured out all of those because even when i had my fourth grade crush i didnt have boy nerves (strange huh?) so good luck!!! PS i made the last part sound a little rushed, so take that part slowly!!!
  6. K

    ACK! HELP!

    i cant switch.......i like my school!!! just not whats happening right now, plus if i did switch it will come in my file that i need an FM and i cant wear contacts!!!!!!!, plus i dont want to hide my ears, i just got my ears pierced!!!!
  7. K

    Help me!

    heres what you do: do what you would normaly do, but before you click update my siggy, click close all tags, and it will appear i font and color (and size if you did that) and it will look like the way my siggy does.. (ps what was the point of the 1s thing?)
  8. K

    ACK! HELP!

    oh, well, the dream is a big deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i almost threw up 6 times today already. and the smell of gas now makes me sick more than ever........i cant wear contacts, im only 12!!!!!!!!!!! ok the rest i dont have an answer...
  9. K

    ACK! HELP!

    i know my life isnt as worse as it could be,i just wrote that title to attract atenttion.
  10. K

    Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

    alright, fine!!!!(in a good way) i just think that what zip said was stupid...
  11. K

    ACK! HELP!

    HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE HAD THE WORST DAY AND IT WILL EFFECT THE REST OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK FIRST, last night i had a dream that i drank...
  12. K

    Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

    i am a she, and yes i admit, i did make a list, but i didnt reliaze that i was doing it until you said it!!!!! i think that it was really pointless on going on and making a list like that (zip's that is), sure u can complain you dont like it but ranting!!!!, and in the post i also said that you...
  13. K

    Old ladies...

    theres no "drinking tea era" im 12 and i drink tea alot......(my brothers do 2) and we ARE NOT british!!!! xD
  14. K

    Which is better?

    VAMPIRES,OH YA!!!!!!!! (obsessed with twilight) Edward is SEXY!!!!!!!!!
  15. K

    Annoying brother :/

    i have 3 brothers and they are all probably worse then your 25 clones of your brother!!!!!! i would tell you the bad things they have done to me, but that would take wayyy to long. ok, getting to the point: THE NUMBER 1 BACK FIRE IN THE WORLD!!!!!!:simply act like hes not there!!!!! whenever he...
  16. K

    Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

    i TOTALLY disagree!!!! first of all, its not against the law to change something, second, i like her new vampire, because the whole "garlic wards off vampires and the sleep in coffins" is just plain OLD!!!!!! third, if she would've used the original vampire, the whole story plot would be ruined...
  17. K

    Nerve problem with guys! XD

    congrats!! but it didnt sound like a big success xd heres what: i you want to talk to him, YOU gotta keep the converstition going, not him, he'll just walk away!!!! (i do it on aim when im bored, my friends say hi and then i say hi and they dont answer xp) also, heres another tip, never just let...
  18. K

    Is something wrong with me?!

    one time i didnt feel like eatin for a while, i just wouldnt want to eat, even my favorite foods!!! i passed, but it still wasnt good, take a visit to the docter and have him/her check you, if you still dont feel like eating, have a docoter give you a shot to help you eat, (i once needed it...
  19. K

    Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

    my friend read the whole series, she was always obbessing over, she would spend an hour just talking about like "O MY GOSH, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT EDWARD...." (she ruined half the series for me by saying that, i wont tell you the last part of the sentence because i dont want 2 ruin it...
  20. K

    Happy Birthday Admin :B

    (to batman man tune) HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BELATED...duh..nuh..nuh..nuh...nuh..nuh..nuh... BIRTHDAY!!!!!!...duh...nuh..nuh...nuh..nuh..nuh.. NUH!!!!!!!!!!!!