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  1. K


    omg i thought this topic died like a year ago!!! O.o wow over 4000 comments!!!!!! i might get mine this year.......
  2. K

    How often do you change your avatar?

    i change it ALOT because i cant think of any qoutes to match my avatar
  3. K

    Are You allowed to wear make-up?

    i want to but my mom only lets me wear light lip gloss and on occasions eye can i convince my mom to let me wear more?? (that includes nail polish)
  4. K

    Can the manatee walk into non-water rooms?

    new question: can you put clothes on the manatee?
  5. K

    school stuff

    so get back at him. start a rumor even worse!!!!!! here are some ideas: •you saw him running to the bathroom with his pants wet (then call him pottyhead) •you saw a picture of hanah montana in his locker (i think the pee one is better but in this one call him mr.montana) tell me if you try...
  6. K


    i sleepwalk. and i only do it in my summer home for some reason. like 3 years ago, my cousin was sleeping over and i climbed down the ladder. and went to my mom's bed. then she couldnt sleep cause i was tossing in turning so she put me on the floor in a sleeping bag xD. this year i slept walk to...
  7. K

    Can the manatee walk into non-water rooms?

    thanks, and that sounds really cool!!!!!
  8. K

    How many times...

    how did you do that??
  9. K

    How many times...

    shampoo name it!!!!! i even got suntan loition in my eye like 3 times
  10. K

    Can the manatee walk into non-water rooms?

    can a manatee webkinz walk into a non water room? i want to get it and if it doesnt i might get the new gorilla instead...
  11. K

    What do guys like for gifts?...

    well i could help you with that!!!!! just send me a picture of the rings and ill tell you!!!
  12. K

    Hair tips, advice & general chat!

    any help with my issue????
  13. K

    Hair tips, advice & general chat!

    i have gorgoues hair during the school year, and i ussaly let my hair down, but i put my hair up when it gets hot out then summer comes................ and my hair turn crunchy, (as my mom says) frizzy, and flyaway...... because i swim 3 times a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! any help...
  14. K

    do you know any cheats for v4 and v4.5?

    tell me..... cheats v4 and v4.5 i dont want anything to do with v5!!!!!!!
  15. K

    Do people think you look your age?

    i am going into seventh grade and people think i am going into fifth............ it is soooooooooooooooo annoying!!!!!!!!! my if i make my hair cool and put on some lipgloss i look like i going into seventh when i go a little deeper into pueberty and get taller i will look more my age!!!!!
  16. K


    Sure i can help you!!!!!!!! i got a list....... it should help you earn money!!!!! you can buy waterpark tickets with it.... or go to a JONAS BROTHERS concert!!!!!!! have a garage sale....... do a car wash.....or a bike wash if you cant handle cars......... sell waterballons....sure to...
  17. K

    Have you ever had a dream

    ive had so many weird dreams in my life!!!!!!!!!!! here are some i wish were real......... i met the jo everyone else said in this topic... this one is werid.... i found a treasure chest filled with gold jewerly and i got my ears pierced ..... another time i had a creepy dream...
  18. K

    should my siggy's egg be a boy or a girl?

    since none bothered to ask me to put the egg in my siggy im just going to do it anyway...........i want you guys to give me names and whichever gender you want cause i think it would be fun for othere TT members 2 decide 4 me................. so names and gender..................... ready set...
  19. K

    Im so annoyed ...>.>

    tell them that you left it at home.........or you can say that you are not comfortable having other peoples hands on it.............if they still dont listen then tell them that they are not exspensive and that you can buy them anywhere......
  20. K

    do you think they r going to make a camp rock2?

    i think it was accully pretty good, and i some dont understand, when i mean the next HMS i mean it will be popular like it......