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  1. Edit!

  2. The Banning Game!

    I ban you for not giving your siggy pet suns for eyes. (he.. he.. ↓ ↓)
  3. The New You!

    Shirt/Dress: Shirt Type of Shirt/Dress(long dress, hoodie or what?!): Teeny-tiny tank top Color: Hotpink Shoes: Light pink sandals Accessories: Pearl necklace Background: Doesn't matter Theme:?? Hair: Long, blonde and wavy Others: ............. Skin Color: Normal Skirt/Trousers: Skirt...
  4. ♥♥Sharpay's V5 log!

    How did you learn to type? Oh well, previous tamas have done it! Also Jack, you have to stay blue! Oh man! Sorry I haven't been on for ages, the computer's just been put back up! Anyway, they are now adults. Carly is a Memetchi, Jack is a Sukatchi and Sam is a Hotteatchi. I'm looking after...
  5. Edit!

    You ARE wierd!
  6. Hug, Kiss, or Diss?

    Who on Earth??? Ashley Tisdale
  7. ♥♥Sharpay's V5 log!

    Hi, I'm Miley the Tamatchi. Benny died yesterday so I'm taking his place. ♥♥Sharpay doesn't know we're on so shh! Why am I writing in blue? Because ♥♥Sharpay said you have to! Anyway, hi! Well, I'm changing it! There! That's better! Bye! Bye! Bye! Bye!
  8. Random Item-Throwing War! 8O

    *dodges* And I thought you were a good person leveling Serena up! I throw my sister's dirty socks at the next person.
  9. Edit!

    You're wierd. *punches Solo*
  10. Cake Layers...

    Adds strawberry sauce to the cheese, sprinkle, chocolate, caramel covered cake.
  11. Hug, Kiss, or Diss?

    Hug. Emily Osment
  12. 1 Million puppys

    31. Yorkshire Terrier
  13. 1 million stupid things to do at Mc.donalds

    254. Dress up as the mascot for another fast food shop, then go in and ask for a meal. If they give it to you say "Good, I'm just gonna test whether or not it's better than our food" If not say "Our resteraunt's better they make food for anyone who comes in"
  14. Edit!

    Why is it normal?
  15. ♥♥Sharpay's V5 log!

    Yesterday, Coco got married to a Sukatchi who's name is Bryce. They evolved into: Coco: Majorite of course! Bryce: Memepapatchi They laid 3 eggs. the eggs hatched into: 1st: Omututchi 2nd: Omututchi 3rd: Futabatchi (You were probably thinking Omututchi again, right?) Then they became...
  16. ♥♥Sharpay's V5 log!

    My tamas are adults. Bananas is an Uhyotchi, Coco-- Let me take it. Well I was a Watatchi, but ♥♥Sharpay was kind enough to use girls' dresser on me and I BECAME MAKIKO!!!!!!!!! And Peanut is a Mukugetchi. I'm gonna get Coco married! Bye! ♥♥Sharpay
  17. 1 million stupid things to do at Mc.donalds

    242. Put a banana peel in a server person's path so that when they're gonna go and give the food to someone they'll slip and make a mess.
  18. Edit!

    I don't know, you tell me.
  19. Edit!

    Wierd doughnut-lover!