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  1. Edit!

  2. Its P.E!

    AHHHHH! Cover me! *covers self with shower curtain* TPBM has to run to Antarctica, take your clothes off, stay for one night, leave your clothes there and run back!
  3. R U Correct?

    WATER! It's a V5 neglect character. K**OI**HI
  4. Its P.E!

    You mean SHE! I'm a GIRL! *faints after wrestling Rey Mysterio* *3 years later* *wakes up* The person below me has to jump rope 2000 times while juggling 5 cream pies and trying to swallow a watermelon whole! And they have to do it............. NAKED!
  5. Karma Game!

    Green. Belgia why did you give me bad karma? XD
  6. The Change-Around-A-Name Game!

    Mum&Dad=Dum&Mad XD that one's funny!
  7. The Banning Game!

    I ban you for having an albino eye for an avvie! (no, seriously, albino people have red eyes!)
  8. 1 million stupid things to do at Mc.donalds

    278. Dress up as a ninja. Using ninja skills, take the recipes for all their food and give them to another resteraunt. XD
  9. Edit!

    Y R U talking bacwards? Y am I using sum txt speak?
  10. 1 million stupid things to do at Mc.donalds

    (I just checked back it was supposed to be in the 70s. Someone said 259 and then someone else (madi!) mucked it up by saying 230 instead of 260(check page 18)) 276. Come in with purple face/body paint all over yourself, fake curls, a white skirt, a purple top and a purple bow. Say "I AM THE...
  11. Edit!

    You are supposed to edit the person above you not any random person! And Nobody needs to know what you forgot!

    Alyssa said "Let him be with her, okay!"
  13. Do you torture your tama to death?

    I don't kill my tamas deliberately. But I'm trying to get Ninja characters on my V5.
  14. Are you boy or Girl

    If the username isn't obvious, you're either blindfolded or just blind! j/k! But it is obvious. Also the colour of my siggy pet! In other words, I'm a GIRL!
  15. A Difference Between The UK & USA V5's

    The Oceania ones only have a small plastic key on them possibly as decoration.
  16. ♥♥Sharpay's V5 log!

    The Gibb family evolved. Bakutchi=Sukatchi Ichigotchi=Memetchi Korokotchi=Kuchipatchi Although, Sarah wants the Ninja family so I'm gonna try and get it for her. I'm trying to get it too, I love those girl characters on it! He he! My avvie is a Memetchi just like Carly! And The Gibb family...

    The twins names were Gracie and Alyssa. Alyssa grew quickly, she was already an adult, a :o like her mum.
  18. Edit!

    Look whos talking!
  19. The Change-Around-A-Name Game!

    Tama Version 5=Vama Tersion 5