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  1. Siggy.Pet.Adoption.Center.

    Could I please have (_) egg, bottle, bed, juice, milk, bread, apple and paper&pencil?
  2. ♥♥Sharpay's V5 log!

    They are teens now. No name 1 is a Bakutchi, Casey is an Ichigotchi and No name 2 is a Mamekatchi! HELP ME WITH NAMES!!!! WHY DOES NOBODY HELP ME????!!!! ☼Bye!☼ ♥♥Sharpay
  3. R U Correct?

    THE ALPHABET! It's one of my tama characters. IC***O**HI Don't tell me you don't know the character. It's on my V5.
  4. Its P.E!

    *does but gets burnt by acid* Now... I... die... *dies* *comes back as a ghost**sees my body**goes into it* TPBM must run 100m in.... Antarctica. Then jump rope 2000 times NAKED! By the way the m stands for METRES! That's the basic unit for measurement here in New Zealand!
  5. Edit!

    Okay, inappropriate! j/k! But it IS disgusting!
  6. Karma Game!

    Green cuz you gave me a cookie!
  7. The Banning Game!

    I ban you for having Chamametchi in your avvie!
  8. The Pig latin game! ~~

    Igpay Atinlay! iCarly!
  9. 1 million stupid things to do at Mc.donalds

    285. Dress up as Ashley Tisdale. Get a friend to yell "IT'S ASHELY TISDALE!!!!!!!!!" When fans gather around act stupid and say "This is the real me!" I'm not insulting Ashley Tisdale! You could do other celebs though!
  10. Edit!

    You cheated!!!!!! You bought an A+ off the internet! And it's not nice to punch your mummy!!!!!!!
  11. Its P.E!

    *runs* OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!!!!! *faints**gets taken to hospital to have feet bandaged up* The person below me has to.... run across all 3 islands of New Zealand! (North, South and Stewart Island) When they get to the water between 2 of the islands they must swim! No time to change into dry clothes!
  12. ♥♥Sharpay's V5 log!

    Today, at school, Jack married Sarah's Memetchi. But I didn't get cheerful family!!!! Then our school's netball people went downtown to meet the Magic netball team. Then Casey Williams signed my V5. (If you don't know who she is, she's a Silver Fern/Magic netball player) So here's the info: 1st...

    OMG that's soo random! It's wierd that Yoshi has to be Vanessa aka Gabriella. He does a pretty good job too, moving his mouth whenever she sings.
  14. Yet another Miley breakdown!

    Me too! It was once on the news that she posed topless for a picture! I used to like her 100% untill I saw the news. Now only 45%! One more time and I hate her!
  15. The Banning Game!

    I ban you cause I had to take my frog, Kiwi to a nearby pond. (I found it in our swimming pool)
  16. 1 million stupid things to do at Mc.donalds

    282. Go in and hide in the bathroom. Grab your cell phone and call. order something. When they ask where you live say "Antarctica" if they ask why you don't get it from your own McDonalds say "They don't have one here" Then ask if you can also have a Ronald McDonald statue with it. ((I got the...
  17. Its P.E!

    I think you forgot to take your clothes off! Anyway, *does one jump and trips**pant* I'm *pant* no good *pant* at *pant* double dutch! *faints* *on my 13th birthday* *wakes up* Is it my birthday? Anyway, TPBM has to show their falling and climbing skills by jumping off a cliff finding a way...
  18. Karma Game!

    You're a nice person! *fills tama 3445521508's karma bar with green karma*
  19. The Change-Around-A-Name Game!

  20. 1 million stupid things to do at Mc.donalds

    280. Pretend that you love the '80s. Like, you could dress in '80s style clothes. Then sing an '80s song off key and really high pitched.