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  1. The Pig latin game! ~~

    Milies-say Tamagotchi!
  2. Its P.E!

    *zombie dies**comes back as an angel* TPBM must run across a pole 500 times then do a tightrope. Otherwise you fail P.E. AND circus class! XD
  3. Edit!

    It's not nice to hate your mum just because she won't let you go to the party!
  4. Its P.E!

    *does, throws up and ghost dies**comes back as zombie* TPBM must run 1 kilometre then bring me a brain to eat.
  5. Edit!

  6. The Pig latin game! ~~

    nd-aay t's-iay ind-kay f-oay onfusing-cay o-tay ead-ray f-iay ou-yay on't-day ut-pay is-thay: - n-iay etween-bay e-th etters-lay ere-whay ou-yay ove-may e-thay owel-vay/onsonant-cay o-tay e-thay ack-bay. an-cay veryone-eay o-day at-thay? (at-whay 'm-Iay oing-day) Casey Williams
  7. Edit!

    Wow, that's old! I'm only 12!
  8. ☺Tammie's Sunday 1 June Group Hatch!☻

    Sorry I'm doing it a bit late but I converted UK time to NZ time and found I'd have to wake up at 5 AM to do it and I didn't want to wake up that early. Anyway, here goes nothing(resetting not old enough to marry): *hits reset button**clicks reset**sets time**sets birthday* *3 eggs are on the...
  9. R U Correct?

    I don't know. It's a V5 family: E**YG**N*
  10. Its P.E!

    *dies*(how many times can I die?) *comes back as a ghost**doesn't bother going in body* TPBM must run 99999999999999999999999999999999999 kilometres while looking after 9999999999999 tamagotchis in .000000000000001 seconds!
  11. Ask a Stupid Question...

    Cause theyre cute! Why do my pyjamas have pink, purple and white butterflies on them?
  12. R U Correct?

    Is it HOROYATCHI? It's a V5 character (again) B**U**HI
  13. How Long do you think you will keep your Tama?

    I'm gonna try and keep it for ever and ever!
  14. group hatching poll

    I've never done one but pretty soon I may do my first one.

    Alyssa said "They're my parents I say let them be together!"
  16. The love story

    So they got married and had twins called Casey and Gracie
  17. Its P.E!

    *does 1 sit-up**dies* *comes as a ghost again*(How many times do I have to die?)*sees body**goes in* TPBM must run 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 kilometres in some far away place then swim 10000000000 lengths in a paddling pool!
  18. ♥♥Sharpay's V5 log!

    Should I put my V5 in a group hatch? you have 1 day to PM me to tell me if I should.
  19. ☺Tammie's Sunday 1 June Group Hatch!☻

    I'm a girl. Why would I have hearts in my username if I was a boy?
  20. ☺Tammie's Sunday 1 June Group Hatch!☻

    I may join with my V5. First I'll get PM votes from my log. If I get no votes I'll join anyway.