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  1. _____ In My Underwear

    LOL that's funny! I Got Nerve in my underwear
  2. Casey Family V5 Log!

    Hi! This morning Randy married a Violetchi (I'll call her Mandy) on the dating show. Then they became: Randy: Papakurotchi Mandy: Mamametchi They had 2 eggs. They hatched into: 1st=Mimifuwatchi=girl=name Laura 2nd=Mimifuwatchi=boy=name Sammy I GOT THE SMART FAMILY...
  3. wRiTiNg iN wHiTe

    You wrote in grey so it's obvious: I like porcupines! My sister is evil!
  4. _____ In My Underwear

    Touch my body in my underwear! Okay, wierd and wrong! I like this game!
  5. _____ In My Underwear

    Goin Crazy in my underwear sounds wrong!
  6. _____ In My Underwear

    My World in my underwear That sounds just wrong!
  7. the anything fight

    Ahh! No! Evil! That is the source of my sister!!!!!!! *dodges evil**throws angelic power at the person below me* This should be fun if you are evil!
  8. Tama name

    She did not put a game below it. This should be somewhere else.
  9. Edit!

    ooooooookay! Wierdo!
  10. _____ In My Underwear

    Eternal Flame in my underwear. LOL!
  11. the anything fight

    No-one's got me so *throws my very evil little sister at the person below me* Be careful of her. She's evil!!!!!! At least I don't have her anymore!

    Violet said "IT'S THE ATTACK OF THE DEVIL KUCHIPATCHIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  13. _____ In My Underwear

    Kiss the Girl in my underwear. Oh geez!
  14. _____ In My Underwear

    Pumpin' Up The Party in my underwear! WIERD!
  15. _____ In My Underwear

    Umbrella in my underwear! LOL!!!!!
  16. Casey Family V5 Log!

    I haven't replied to my log for ages so I'm making a new one. Well, the family name is Casey and here are there stats: Hungry: ♥♥♥♥ Happy ♥♥♥♥♥ Bonds: 40% Generation: 6 Family: Blended Oldest: Boy=Andy=Uhyotchi In between: Girl=Candy=Makiko (yayz!) Youngest: Boy=Randy=Kuromametchi...
  17. Innocent or Guilty?

    Innocent! Reason: I prefer playstation Are you guilty of having a BF? (my sis is)
  18. Name the crush

    I don't have a crush but I'm gonna get you to guess my sister's. His name starts with a N Jake?
  19. ? Fight!

    Well, in NZ it's Sunday. If you say Saturday: *throws snowballs at everybody* TAKE THAT!!!!! If it's okay to be Sunday: *throws ginormous pie at every single person* TEACH YOU TO MESS WITH MY NETBALL TEAM!!!!!
  20. Innocent or Guilty?

    Innocent! Reason: Today's Sunday! Are you guilty of having Violet family EVER? (I am)