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  1. Edit!

    First, you forgot the letter 'P' Second, it's in the wrong order. It goes ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
  2. Casey Family V5 Log!

    Laura: Here's the diary entry I promised! Sammy: Honestly, why do girls put their diary entries on the internet for everyone to see? It's just stupid. Stop fighting you two! Bye! ♥Sharpay♥ ☼Laura☼ ◘Sammy◘
  3. Edit!

    Fine, you can have the poop. I don't want it.
  4. Tammie's Adoption Centre!

    Ok, mine is a girl called Laura.
  5. Edit!

    you think you're random.. but you're not...
  6. Randomness

    I voted PINK! Pink is my favourite colour!
  7. ~Candys Mega Adoption Centre~

    Could I have the Blue family? :D will be called Laura :P will be called Jasmine and :) will be called Jake.
  8. Tammie's Adoption Centre!

    Could you reserve a :D for me plz?
  9. Edit!

    That person is not kind!
  10. Casey Family V5 Log!

    Laura: Hi! Sammy: Hi! Okay, what are you doing? Laura: I promise tomorrow I'll give all you TamaTalkers a diary entry for you to see! Sammy: You are wierd! Laura: We've got mail, Sharpay! From who? Sammy: From your friend Tammie! Let's read it! Thanks Tammie! Bye! ♥Sharpay♥ ☼Laura☼...
  11. Edit!

    scream about what?
  12. ~Candys Mega Adoption Centre~

    Could I please have :blink: her name is Spring.
  13. Edit!

  14. Edit!

    I'm not staying at your house!
  15. Casey Family V5 Log!

    The Casey family evolved They are-- Laura: Let us tell! I'm a CHAMAMETCHI!!!!!!!! Sammy: Laura, you practically deafened me! Anyway, I'm a Mamekatchi! Laura: Sorry, I'm just so excited to be a Chamametchi! I look cute! Hey, there's my ne saying! Cute 'n Smart! Oh, Laura! Bye! ♥Sharpay♥
  16. Edit!

    Why EVIL furbies?????????
  17. Edit!

    Count me out!
  18. Edit! comment on that...............................................
  19. Edit!

    Wow. What are you, a cat???