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  1. ETHAN1994

    Ethan's NEW Tamagotchi diary!

    They got a Classical award!! And now, all I have to do is wait for Jacob to evolve into a senior. -_- I have signed up for next week's contest on Music City. I'm NO1919. Please vote for me! ^_^ Also, the TamaTalk photo album has been updated. And the S Club T photo has been posted...
  2. ETHAN1994

    Ethan's NEW Tamagotchi diary!

    Wednesday, 11th November 2009 They got a Pro Debut!! :D :D :D And Now, they got a Latin award!! Jacob is old enough to get married, but I'm going to keep him until he's a senior so I can fill up my character login chart on Music City. I've signed up for the next contest!   Name: Jacob...
  3. ETHAN1994

    Do You Believe In Gay Marriage?

    LOL :mimitchi: Ok, I'll try explaining that better. What I meant was I personally think the idea of a two men kissing or two women kissing is kinda creepy to me. People have explained that to me as being a homophobic. So I guess that's what I am. :D That's why if I could control the world...
  4. ETHAN1994

    I've been hacked! :(

    Really? Just like Tama-Star_girl!!
  5. ETHAN1994

    spanish typeing in music city

    Don't worry. It's just a glitch. I've seen it a million times. <_< It's like how when you check your bands, and it says "other bans you've joined", and when you win most games, it says "produser". BanDai messed up!! :D :angry:
  6. ETHAN1994

    Are destiny stars one-use items?

    Are Destiny Stars one-use items? By that, I mean can you only send them to your toy once, and then do they disappear forever?
  7. ETHAN1994

    Tamagotchi Music City – Contest, & band glitch!?

    Umm... has anyone noticed that this week's contestants are all Mametchis, and their second band-mates (if they have any) are only Memetchis, and their third band-mates (if they have any) are only Kuchipatchis?   Am I the only one with that glitch? Or has everyone got it? :mellow: :rolleyes:
  8. ETHAN1994

    Yo. :)

    Welcome to TamaTalk. I bet you'll love this forum! I only got my Music Star two months ago! :lol: You've played with them as long as I have! :mellow: Enjoy the site! :rolleyes:
  9. ETHAN1994

    Ethan's NEW Tamagotchi diary!

    Saturday, 7th November 2009 Ok. Jacob evolved into a Kikitchi, to my disappointment. I've also changed his instrument to a Timpani. He has started the fifth generation of S Club T with a Chamametchi named Jenny playing the piano, and a Hinotamatchi named... you guessed it, Louis! He plays the...
  10. ETHAN1994

    trick to help ur tama get older!

    Oh yeah. I saw this tip posted on here a few years ago. It was labeled as an alternative to pausing it when you go to school.
  11. ETHAN1994

    I need advice.

    :huh: :angry: Whoa. :o :kuribotchi: I think you should tell an adult. Maybe her parents, or one of the teachers. Or maybe you should tell B. I think he would be able to encourage her to calm down.
  12. ETHAN1994

    Laws to tackle the discrimination of fat people?

    I saw this on the news a few months ago. I think it would be a good thing. I've always known about the fact that there are people who get discriminated and tormented on the streets, at work, at school, at bars, restaurants, and night-clubs. But the fact that they are trying to get laws against...
  13. ETHAN1994


    Tamagotchi's Name: Lloyd Tamagotchi's Age: 9 Date of Birth: 23/10/09 Date of Passing: 5/11/09 What Generation? 4 Child Character: Kuchitamatchi Teen Character: Kikitchi Adult Character: Togetchi Tamagotchi's Wife: Colleen the Mimitchi :) Your Comments: Awesome job Lloyd! You rocked...
  14. ETHAN1994

    Ethan's NEW Tamagotchi diary!

    Thursday, 5th November 2009 Lloyd and Colleen have left. I would have started raising their son as soon as I got up, but I had to stay in bed because I was suffering from chest pains. Later when I woke up at about 1:30 PM, I named the baby boy Jacob (pronounced "yar-kob"). It's meant to be...
  15. ETHAN1994

    How many Tamagotchis do you play with at once?

    Normally, I only play with one at a time. But sometimes I play with more! :D
  16. ETHAN1994

    How do you log in as Nazotchi?

    :D :huh: How do people log in as Nazotchi? :huh: :huh: I see people logged in as Nazotchi all the time. But how do they do it?
  17. ETHAN1994

    WHAT the?!

    Oh yeah. :( So it has! Oh well, there's nothing bad about it ending a day early. :)
  18. ETHAN1994

    Ethan's NEW Tamagotchi diary!

    Wednesday, 4th November 2009 Well, I've found it is impossible for them to get an award. Plus, their genre has changed to Rock 'n' Roll. You know what, I'm gonna stop the whole one genre per generation thing now. I'll just get them to be as successful as I can get them. And on the next...
  19. ETHAN1994

    tamagotchi ocean - waterproof?

    No. Simply no. This is an old rumor. If you put it in water, it's got a big chance of breaking! So don't! :blink:
  20. ETHAN1994

    tamatown residents

    Well, some are kids, some are teens and some are adults. :blink: I myself am a teenager, and I don't really think anyone can be too old or too young for Tamagotchis.