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  1. ETHAN1994

    The Movie is in America!

    Yeah, it's been in the UK since September! :P But I still haven't bought it yet! I just need to wait a little bit. :)
  2. ETHAN1994

    Serious question regarding Lady Gaga...

    I know she hasn't got a penis. I may sound really perverted for admitting this, but I've seen a naked photo of her, and she doesn't have one. It was in an article in the british newspaper the "Daily Mail" about the time she was in Denmark, and she stepped out of a bar wearing a white coat, and...
  3. ETHAN1994

    Hacked?! PLEASE READ

    Really? Well, BANG goes that theory.   I guess it's still a mystery then. :rolleyes:
  4. ETHAN1994

    Hacked?! PLEASE READ

    AB5798, if it's true that you put your username and password on your signature, then I'd say it's pretty much your own fault that someone hacked you. :( :o :P :rolleyes:
  5. ETHAN1994

    Hacked?! PLEASE READ

    Awwww. :lol: I'm sorry to hear that. I've sent you a few items now. They're some of my old items that I haven't used in a long time. It's not much (sorry), but I hope it helps. :ph34r:
  6. ETHAN1994

    Who are your two BEST FRIENDS on MC?

    My two best friends on Music City? Hmmmm...   Well, the first one is definately SG1967. He is my little brother who is GABRIEL1996 here on TamaTalk. He isn't on here very much (he has recently been on TamaChat), which is why his profile still says "Oslo, Norway", instead of "Derbyshire, UK"...
  7. ETHAN1994

    Can't log in?

    Oh...... my....... God.   It's Working!! It's Working!! It's Working!! It's Working!!   I can't believe it! It's Working!! IT'S WORKING!! IT'S WORKING!! IT'S WORKING!! IT'S WORKING!! IT'S WORKING!! IT'S WORKING!! IT'S WORKING!! IT'S WORKING!! IT'S WORKING!! IT'S WORKING!! IT'S WORKING...
  8. ETHAN1994

    Can't log in?

    Is it working for other people?   It's not for me! :( :( :( :(   Groan! ^_^ :P
  9. ETHAN1994

    Can't log in?

    Unfortunately, it's still not working for me. :( I keep on having my password changed, and then I use the correct password, but it still says that my User ID and password don't match!   This is so lame! :( :( :kuribotchi:
  10. ETHAN1994

    Can't log in?

    :o :o :o I have been having the exact same problem. I type my ID and password in right, but it says they're wrong! :unsure: :(   Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid website! :( ;) :D   And once again, I haven't been able to sign up for the contest! Thanks to, The Stupid...
  11. ETHAN1994

    What are your pet peeves on music city

    Yeah, I get those lousy trade offers aswell! :P It's always something expensive (or something that simply costs money!) for an item that I can easily get for free! It's so annoying! :D :hitodetchi:   I also keep on getting friend requests from many guests who I haven't even talked...
  12. ETHAN1994


    I'm not scared of trucks. I think your fear of trucks is a phobia. I think it's ok to be scared of trucks after what happened when you were younger. :D
  13. ETHAN1994

    My teacher is a sexist

    That's so mean! :angry:   I think you should go to your head teacher (aka. the principal), and tell him/her your stories about that teacher, but refrain from using the word "sexist". I think if you try to explain that she is punishing you unfairly, and letting the actual naughty kids off...
  14. ETHAN1994

    Serious question regarding Lady Gaga...

    I've heard that rumor before. I've never thought it's true. And so what if it is? She can still sing!
  15. ETHAN1994

    Will it keep on going?

    Do you think that the Music City contests will stop after the 50th contest, or do you think they'll keep on going? :) It's this crazy theory that keeps on popping up in my head, because the wall of fame stops at 50. I really doubt it myself though. I just its a really interesting question...
  16. ETHAN1994

    Sharing Accounts on Music City...

    I don't share my account with anybody. My brother (who is SG1967) knows my password, and I know his. But we don't share accounts. We share our passwords so there is less chance of us losing them. (like when Gabriel forgot his password, but I remembered it).
  17. ETHAN1994

    Ethan's NEW Tamagotchi diary!

    Bad news. :lol:   I found a working battery in an old chibibotto toy in the toy box in my room, and I used it on my Music Star. And it had reset. I then tried to use it again, but it happened to be one of those extremly thin coin batteries, and so it wouldn't stop falling out, even when I...
  18. ETHAN1994

    What the heck?

    First a Dazzilitchi party, then a Nazotchi party, now it's a guest party!   Look!!   :) :lol: :lol:
  19. ETHAN1994

    V6 Favourite Foods Project!

    Their favourite foods are constantly changing. I don't think the character it is has any influence on it.   I don't think their's any point in trying to make a favourite foods chart.
  20. ETHAN1994

    Entama or foreign V4

    I was about to post the same thing! :lol:   Yeah, I think it is an entama. It's quite an awesome design. And like binary said, the shape of the antenna makes it an Entama, it would have to be that tiny stick antenna if it was going to be a Ketai. :)