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  1. ETHAN1994


    I don't think that's true. I've used it, but none of this ever happened to me.   It's probably some site glitch, but it seems to have stopped now.
  2. ETHAN1994

    Being the new kid...

    I've bad experiences from being the new kid. :angry: When I first started, most people didn't know anything about me. But three days later, everyone knows everything about me. Or at least they think they do! :huh: And it's still like that! People seem to think they know exactly what I'm...
  3. ETHAN1994

    Ethan's NEW Tamagotchi diary!

    Sunday, 21st February 2010   Sorry for not updating during the week. My Dad has told me that I will need to wait at least another month until he can start giving me all the pocket money that he owes me because he needs to use his last paycheck to recover from being out of work for the last...
  4. ETHAN1994

    Highest place you got in for the competitions

    Yeah, it's always the band you want that hardly ever shows up.
  5. ETHAN1994

    DO YOU HAVE An account ON NEOPETS??

    Yes.   It's eth1994.
  6. ETHAN1994

    Paint Brushs

    I never have enough money to get one. :lol: :lol:
  7. ETHAN1994

    Highest place you got in for the competitions

    I voted for you about 15 times, because I was logging in and out to vote for myself. I was also voting for my friends if I came across them. Your band appeared a lot!
  8. ETHAN1994

    What is your Gotchi ID?

    It's so awsome that you're on here now! :o
  9. ETHAN1994

    Has your account ever been frozen?

    Has your account ever been frozen? Did you ever get it back? I've never had mine frozen. Although, I think I might now because of a site glitch on the Wheel of Misfortune. You're meant to take it once every two hours, but I hadn't read that so I just went on it again. I only noticed on my...
  10. ETHAN1994

    What is your Gotchi ID?

    Yup, you have! :D   And so I'll do it again! :blink: :D NO1919 "NO" = NOrway 19 = My lucky number
  11. ETHAN1994

    Highest place you got in for the competitions

    Well done! :angry: I'm so happy for you! :angry: I sent you a postcard on Music City to congratulate you. :angry:   I felt really happy when I saw your name on the scoreboard. It was good to see you up there rather than those other people.
  12. ETHAN1994

    WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    It's probably because you didn't have very much points from the game. I usually get about 6000. How much points you get on the game affects your rank. At least you got to play it! I didn't get to place the game last weekend! Because of that, I got Out of Rank too. :D   Oh well! There's...
  13. ETHAN1994

    Care misses on Music Star

    Thanks! :D
  14. ETHAN1994

    Have you ever angry faced at someone?

    It's usually guests like them who are the ones that send those lousy trade offers, because they are new and don't seem to have realised that items like Pumpkins and Christmas Tree can be obtained for free by anyone! :furawatchi:
  15. ETHAN1994

    NEW TAMA IN 2010!

    I agree with you on that. :) Being perfectly honest, I never expected it to be a color! :P I think it looks rather interesting. And like purpurn said, I doubt any American parents, or even European parents would bother to buy a color for their kids. In Japan, they simply would because they...
  16. ETHAN1994

    have you ever been scammed?

    I've never been scammed. Simply because nobody has ever tried to scam me! ;)
  17. ETHAN1994


    That's what happens to Hatsugatchi when you give him a sesame bun. It's totally normal. ;) KuroMametchi is a secret character. :D B)
  18. ETHAN1994

    do lots of people visit your room on tamatown

    I usually have about 15 people visiting me every week. Sometimes it's less, sometimes it's more. :D
  19. ETHAN1994

    Ethan's NEW Tamagotchi diary!

    Friday, 12th February 2010 Sorry for not updating in quite a while. It's been going great with my Tamagotchis. My Dad is getting paid this week, so I'll start getting my pocket money tomorrow. It'll be £10 into my back account every Saturday. And the half-term holiday starts today, so if I get...
  20. ETHAN1994

    Share an account!

    It's not working. I think some one has stolen it. :lol:   EDIT: Never mind. It's working now. :lol: