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  1. ETHAN1994

    Tamagotchi Music City: Loading Glitch

    Ouch. :blink: That must be very annoying. That was happening to me a few days ago, when I finally decided to go back on (after being off for a while since my Mum confiscated my Music Star, and I won't be getting it back). But It's stopped now.
  2. ETHAN1994


    My little brother Noah was having problems with bullies at his school a while ago. I had also been having problems with bullies at my school too. But since it was mostly rumor-spreading and name-calling, my Mum had said "Just ignore them". I'd like to see her try that! Anyway, my Mum and Dad...
  3. ETHAN1994

    Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease...

    I suffer from Asperger's Syndrome. That's a form of autism. I've probably had it most of my life, but I only got diagnosed with it when I was 11. (I'm 15+1/2 now)   It's the reason why I don't leave the house very much. I get nervous when I'm in public. I think that condition is called...
  4. ETHAN1994

    Can't log in a character!

    I go on Music City, and there are only guests. I enter in the password for Spot, it says it doesn't work! And then I try Nazotchi, and it doesn't work either. As for Mocha, no luck either!   And it just had to happen when I was about to sign up for this week's contest!! :angry: :angry...
  5. ETHAN1994

    Racial Double Standards?

    Yeah, I see what you mean. I remember another topic about this before, and the author was upset at the amount of videos on YouTube, where black people are making very racist comments about white people, that aren't being flagged and taken off. I remember when I tried looking for them, and I was...
  6. ETHAN1994

    Ethan's NEW Tamagotchi diary!

    3rd May 2010 I'm afraid it's over. :angry: :angry:   A few weeks ago, during the Easter holidays, I was up at my Grandparents' house in Scotland, and when I was going to sleep, my jeans fell off the bed, and both of the Tamagotchis slipped out of my pocket. My Mum saw them, and she...
  7. ETHAN1994

    Easter Eggs!

    Yeah! They are so cool! Mine say: "ETHAN RULES" :P :P
  8. ETHAN1994

    Things you hate that everyone else likes

    Star Wars   It basically never caught my interest. I thought it was boring. Yet every else was like "Oh God, it's like the coolest film ever!"   I jsut don't see anything special in it.
  9. ETHAN1994


    They've gone off my friends list too. Perhaps they have. :D   EDIT: They can't have. I just tried testing it by creating a new account and using that ID, and it didn't work. Looky here. I guess we'll need to wait and find out what's going on?
  10. ETHAN1994

    Ethan's NEW Tamagotchi diary!

    Wednesday, 31st March 2010   Eventually, Stacey married a Kuchipatchi and had a baby girl. When they left, I named their baby girl Amelia. I gave her a set of Mega Drums and a doll house. She became a Tamatchi, then a Chamametchi. She formed a band with a Hinotamatchi named John, and a...
  11. ETHAN1994

    Highest place you got in for the competitions

    HOORAY!! :D :D :D   Congrats on getting that! :o   I've been really busy recently, so I haven't been able to vote for myself much. Last weekend, I didn't even get to play the game! Because of that, I got 229th place. :o :o :( :( :( I'm determined to make sure I...
  12. ETHAN1994

    new Tamatown

    Being perfectly honest, I don't think they will ever open it either. :mellow:
  13. ETHAN1994

    v4 Tamatown

    I think your computer was running slow when you first tried it. And so it couldn't load what it was going to say.
  14. ETHAN1994

    Ethan's NEW Tamagotchi diary!

    Saturday, 7th March 2010 Yeah, I know. I need to keep up with the updates.   On my Music Star, Ingvild and Robotchi left. I named their son Drake, after Drake Bell. I gave him a Turn-Table, and a toy dinosaur. I decided I would make S Club T's first dance group. And when he became a toddler...
  15. ETHAN1994

    Highest place you got in for the competitions

    Congrats on the 2nd place. ;) Thanks for voting for me.
  16. ETHAN1994

    Three times boy baby?

    That's just unlucky. Like binary said, be patient and you may get a girl one day.
  17. ETHAN1994

    Having trouble with music town this morning

    Yeah, it happened to me last night. It also happened to me last week. But it's fine now. <_<
  18. ETHAN1994


    It's still all fine for me! <_<
  19. ETHAN1994

    What is your Gotchi ID?

    OMG!! It's you!! :D :D I've seen you a lot before, and I was in your band once.
  20. ETHAN1994

    Highest place you got in for the competitions

    WOOHOO!! :D :D   I GOT 10TH PLACE!! :D :D :D B) :) :wacko:   Thank you to everyone who helped!