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  1. ETHAN1994

    Ethan's NEW Tamagotchi diary!

    Tuesday, 3rd November 2009 GRRRRRRR!! :angry: :huh: :P :angry: :angry: I got them to number one after their last concert!! They still haven't got an award! And Lloyd and Colleen are supposed to leave tonight. I'm gonna pause them and try and win it tomorrow.
  2. ETHAN1994

    Ethan's NEW Tamagotchi diary!

    Monday, 2nd November 2009 What a day! After their 6 o'clock concert, they were at number one! Then by the time their next concert came they fell to number 4! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: Later, at 8:00 PM, there was a knock at the door. It was Colleen!! She proposed...
  3. ETHAN1994

    Ethan's NEW Tamagotchi diary!

    Sunday, 1st November 2009 Well, in the past few days, I've failed to get them an award still. And Lloyd hasn't got married yet. On Music City, my CD came 44th. And I'm in the new contest as well.   Name: Lloyd Age: 6 Weight: 39 LB Gender: Boy Hungry: ♥♥♥♥ Happy: ♥♥♥♥ Stress: 15 Tone...
  4. ETHAN1994

    Guests on Tamagotchi Music City

    I personally don't see what's wrong with guests. I think it's good that BanDai did at least make it possible for people without a Music Star to go on there. Although I am often wierded out by the fact that there are still SO many guests. I personally would have thought that every one on there...
  5. ETHAN1994

    how long do you think you will keep your tamas?

    Forever. I want to be a Tamagotchi collector when I'm older. The only reason I'm not one now is because my Mum has banned me from Tamagotchis. :) :( Oh well, only three years to go! (till I'm 18! I'm 15 now)
  6. ETHAN1994

    Could it be!?!?

    Well, Dazzilitchi and Dreamitchi are on the Japanese TV show, but the Music Star and Music City hasn't been released in Japan. It's only been released in the Americas, most of Asia and some parts of Europe.
  7. ETHAN1994

    I was planning on buying this on the 10th.

    That's not fake. It's just an old Tamagotchi from the 90's. And like what Mothra said, they haven't been faked.
  8. ETHAN1994

    is this fake

    Yeah, that's fake. The egg is too big, the buttons are labeled (which BanDai never do), and I've never seen that design of V3 or Ketai.
  9. ETHAN1994

    My C button FELL OUT!

    Ouch.   Well, my first instinct would be to get some super-glue, and see if it's possible to glue it back on. If that doesn't work... well, I'm afraid it's broken.   Yeah, keeping the battery is a good idea.   I'm sorry about the loss of your Tamagotchi. :) :( I guess thanks to you...
  10. ETHAN1994

    Now all Tamagotchis are now anime!

    True. But being perfectly honest, I like them better in anime-style.
  11. ETHAN1994

    The X Factor

    I was sooooooooooooooooooooo angry when Miss Frank were eliminated last Sunday. And I seriously think the twins need to go. They may be funny, but it's a singing competition! And they are the last of the groups!? How is that possible!?
  12. ETHAN1994

    Now all Tamagotchis are now anime!

    If you're talking about the UraTamagotchis (as the "blue-lined" Tamagotchis), you can still see them actually! Here   On the link you've posted, if you click on the character link (Memetchi), and go down to the links in the pink box, select the top-middle link, and you can find the page I've...
  13. ETHAN1994

    Ethan's NEW Tamagotchi diary!

    Thursday, 29th October 2009 Jeez! I've just noticed on my last entry that I have been referring to Lloyd as Thomas! Wherever it says Thomas on the last post, I meant Lloyd!! :D Well, Lloyd hasn't won an R&B yet. :wacko: But I got them to Number 2 yesterday. But today, I only got him...
  14. ETHAN1994

    What's your favorite part of Halloween?

    I love candy! And Halloween is the night I always been able eat a lot!! :D Well, that was in Norway. Since I came back to England, I have always been getting less candy when I go trick-or-treating. That's because in my village, we have this system where you have to go to the pub and get a map...
  15. ETHAN1994

    Spot & Mocha - using them on Music City

    Like what TamaMum said, if BanDai haven't said anything about it, than it probably isn't true.   Plus, there is no way this can be true, because Tama-Star_Girl is always logging in as Mocha, and she hasn't had her account banned.   So there you have it. :angry:
  16. ETHAN1994

    Could it be!?!?

    I really don't understand how that little picture suddenly appeared as a "sign" that the TMGC+C will be out in the US. It's just a little button for a music effect on Music City. Ok, so maybe it looks like a TMGC+C, but I don't think that would mean that it'll be out in the US!!
  17. ETHAN1994

    Band Glitch

    That's exactly what I mean! Oh, so it's meant to happen. Well, that's... a bit annoying really.
  18. ETHAN1994

    What are you going to be for Halloween?

    I'm not gonna be going trick-or-treating this year, because in my village we have this system where you have to go to the pub and get a map of the village which will show which houses you can visit, and which houses you can't (because the owners will get disturbed and annoyed). And because half...