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  1. Box

    What are you listening to now?

    Hey, batter, batter, hey, batter, batter, swing--I got to just do my thing Swing prayforme
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    What song is stuck in your head?

    Ash Ketchum heter jag Hela världen vill jag se Hur framtiden ser ut är omöjligt att förutse Om nånting går snett kan striden bli för svår men om allt går bra så ska jag kämpa många år Och om jag har en dålig dag ska jag ändå komma igen För jag ska bli en hjälte! Pokémon Advanced too...
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    The Girls Life Quiz

    1. How old are you? Sixteen. 2. Have you ever been on a blind date? Yes, actually. 4. What grade are you in? I'm an American high school sophomore. 5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? to be able to peacefully establish a permanent residence anywhere I choose 6. Do you...
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    Novels: Pictures or no pictures?

    For my tastes, it depends on where it is and what it does. Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis isn't really kiddy, and the fact that it's a graphic novel makes it unique (in that it's also about growing up during the Iranian revolution). Pictures can be a bit much, though. For example, in fiction...
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    Self portrait photography Thread

    doesn't really count, I know but humorous
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    Languages other than English?

    I study languages for fun, on occasion. I speak fluently/to some degree of proficiency English, a Chinese dialect spoken by my mother's side of the family, and Mandarin Chinese. The three foreign languages I know best are French, Japanese, and Swedish--pretty much only read these three
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    So good.
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    Teardrop ("Cheeks, Sui Chan"?) Bandai release?

    Looks more like a tablet to me. Could you point us to the advertisement? perhaps the toy has bluetooth capabilities and that's how it's able to communicate with other devices
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    What animals would you like to see v-pets of?

    more intelligent fictionals i.e., new Tamagotchi
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    Signs of crushing on someone

    you don't really have to like somebody to want that ohmygod you are so genius oh my I can't *faints*
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    What to do with my money

    Consider spending it on something other than a Tamagotchi
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    Using Vocaroo to record ourselves singing or saying silly things.
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    What was your first word or sentence when you were just a tiny little baby?

    being driven by billboard on way to daycare or back, I said, "I want to read that." I love English still more today =P
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    Is it ok for a man to hit a woman?

    Sure, violence could be an answer, I'll concede to that though in the countries hitting children's not allowed, people seem to have reached the conclusion that violence isn't the only one :) (don't hit kids)
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    Signs of crushing on someone

    What are they to you? :)
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    What's your current MAJOR pet peeve?

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    Lamb meat will be banned in Italy in 2015

    If it turned out to be false, I have this to say: aw I kinda wanted to go to Italy next year and get some lamb meat If it turned out to be true: aw I kinda wanted to go to Italy next year and get some lamb meat
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    -GIRLS- Size and weight

    5'7" (169, 170-ish) (125-ish) ...57 kg what like this like reminds me of the time I was 5'4" and 54
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    Your opinion on any religion-related topic

    Tell us what you're talking about, what you follow (if relevant) and do not talk about other posts. For the sake of simplicity, I think it would be best if we avoided commenting on the responses of others. You can choose any topic as long as you aren't outright bashing other's beliefs. Keep...