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  1. B

    lastest tamagotchi

    It depends on what Tamagotchi your friend already has! if they have a v2 then I am sure a v3 would be a very pleasent surprise. If it's a v3 they still may appriciate a second one, thats down to their own feeling on the subject. I suggest you ask your friend in a descrete way, weather or not...
  2. B

    UK Users

    You need to start a new thread to post a question. However, Souviners, can not be used. They are just collected from tamatown and show up as an image in your souviners book. You can't have duplicate items in souviners there are 32 spaces for 32 items each item goes to it's corrosponding...
  3. B

    Confusing incorrect answers

    I know, I know, I said sorry. Having a bit of a 'dopey day' today Sorry x
  4. B

    my tama lost a button

    I would try and make a new button by carefully cutting a small piece of an erasor. the clay could erode and leave pieces floating around and damage you tamagotchi.
  5. B

    Confusing incorrect answers

    Or, even, sorry this is probably more a suggestion ;) Seperate help sections for each version?
  6. B

    Confusing incorrect answers

    I would just like to make a general comment on an observation I have made, looking through posts. I think somewhere it should be noted or a tick box on the 'post new topic' window even. PLease, when asking for help, make sure you include your tama version!! Many people ask general help...
  7. B

    UK Users

    Ah ok Lol I probably just typed the code in wrong!! hee hee Still, I am glad this proved helpfull to some x
  8. B

    Emma N Rose Gen1 have babies.

    I found the blogging sister site admin mentioned so blogging there too, same user name buffyc1973. Anyways i got kinda sad this evening, Emma was watching TV as per <_< Rose was brushing her teeth following her bath. It suddenly occured to me, that I won't see them again :angry...
  9. B

    UK Users

    Oh dear my 3rd post was against the rules already :P Apologies it was because i included a website address which I now know is wrong oooops sorry. To repeat my tip in a correct manner!! In the UK we do not use Tammatown, we have Tamagotchieurope. The later has less games and no golden...
  10. B

    Hello xx

    Thank you both very much x x Respect is my middle name and as a mum Rules are a way of life lol. So hopefully i shall fit in rather well x x Thanks for the PM offers , I sure will! thanks
  11. B

    Hello xx

    Hiya my name is Buffy and I have recently started looking after two V3s. They are my daughters but I have to take care of them while she's at school and in bed, shes only 8 so I pretty much take care of them myself lol I had original tamas nearly 10 years ago and loved them then too. It is...
  12. B

    Emma N Rose Gen1 have babies.

    Day 7 of owning tamas again after nearly ten years!! I have 2 V3 Tamagotchis Rose :angry: Female Obotchi -> Kuchipatchi Age 6 training 2 34lb Generation 1 Roses' Picture ROSE Clean, good hygene routine, baths everynight and brushes teeth morning and night Flirtatious is always...
  13. B

    What is this thing? a present?

    My Male Kurokotchi watches TV a lot. He never baths or brushes his teeth like my Female kuchipatchi. He is hard to please and slob like, where as she is very chilled and happy.
  14. B


    Sounds like the tama with no baby failed to connect, this happens sometimes, very unlucky to happen at such an important event :angry: Maybe reset and download to last major event may work? I don't know that it will though , sorry :(
  15. B

    Do you think Tamagotchi's are old?

    I had my first tama when they came out 10 years ago, I was 22 then rofl, had 4 year old though so it was kinda for him. *AHEM* maybe not lol Now my daughter aged 8 has two and I am loving looking after them again while she is at school. By the way, my son now 14 has no interest in them now.