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  1. K

    Ocean Secret Character?

    There was a way posted on the yahoo group i'm part of. I have not had success with this, and it is not my information! I take no credit for it! Linda from the group posted how she got the Mermaid. (Yes, she's had the secret character!) Here is what she said; I've tried a couple times now...
  2. K

    Hey! All you cat owners!

    I have 3 cats, which I love with all my heart! In this picture, from left to right are Gracie, Gizmo (Gracie's son) and Sherbert. Gizmo has the most personality of any cat I even met. Sherbert likes to make you think he doesn't need you, although he Meow's like crazy at night when people are...
  3. K

    Help Me!

    Yes, Gejitchi is right! You have to set the time before anything will happen. Also remember that the ancestor tamas take 5 minutes to hatch, not 1 minute like the newer tamas. KM
  4. K

    Where to buy virtual pets?

    I found a '97 nano kitty at KB Toys the other day. Any of the older versions are going to be very hard to find... Newer VP's can be found at walmart, targetr, just about anywhere with a toy section.... KM
  5. K

    this is cute

    I know exactly what you mean. I make those and sell them on eBay! They are really fun to make :wub: KM (p.s. I have a post in tBay/tamagotchi accessories with a link to my current cradles for sale)
  6. K

    Do my friends hate me?

    *Topic moved to '(Non)TamaTalk'*
  7. K

    who likes mcr

    *Topic moved to '(Non)TamaTalk'*
  8. K

    sites for disabled people?

    moved to non-tamatalk
  9. K

    Dead Tamas

    Hey, That's a great idea! Fortunately, there is a Tamagotchi Memorial already here on TamaTalk to remember your dead tamas, no matter the type! :blink: Check it out! KM
  10. K

    devilgotchs on ebay

    Just shy of $200 typically. The reserves on those are up there too... That seller is great though. I've bought from him a few times before :mametchi: KM
  11. K

    Tamagotchi Ocean Questions

    So how far did you get? I was finally able to add my last few Ocean run's into my blogagotchi. Here's the link. If you look close, you can see that certain occurances (Attacks, poops, ect.) have a pattern to them. I think I know what went wrong on the Purple Umi run. I think you have to give at...
  12. K


    Actually, all you have to do to reverse the de-bugging process is erase the line you originally made. :( much easier than adding more lines ;) KM *moved to tips and tricks*
  13. K


    Just be patient. You will soon get a letter in the mail under the [!] icon that will tell you that your tama is graduating. Just after that, you'll get another and start a job. Sometimes it takes a while :( KM
  14. K

    Mothra, Mothra, Mothra.

    You mean more sections like this? This is the top page pn Mothra's site. (Click on the "tamagotchi" button ;) ) She only linked her Mothra page above, not the whole site :D KM
  15. K

    Santaclautchi; Santa Tamagotchi

    I don't have one YET. A little birdie tells me that I am getting a red one for my b-day at the end of the month though! :furawatchi: KM
  16. K

    My B-DAY~party

    moved to non-tamatalk
  17. K

    Charlie The Unicorn

    moved to non-tamatalk Edit: CLOSED
  18. K

    Any other way you can earn KARMA?

    all the info you need on Krama is in that link. closed KM
  19. K

    How do you eat?

    moved to non-tamatalk
  20. K

    look! go here!

    These types of links are not allowed. Please see TamaTalk rules. It was also posted in the wrong section. KM