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  1. K

    Very Useful Info...You Gotta See This!

    you gotta do it 4 times really fast and the presi wouldnt come!
  2. K

    A New Method Of Pausing Without Growth Stunting!

    I got the devil looking kitty thing and mine sleeps till 7 am till 3pm. Sometimes I bring it to school.(My teacher bores it to sleep Lol :angry:
  3. K


    no prob
  4. K


    Twins do exist. Who ever it was who said ther grandpa works at bandai, Then he would know they exist. I am not saying they age together. When two people have tamas and there tamas are the opisite gender, They can use the love potion to have babie(s). There is a 99.99999% chance that da girl tama...
  5. K

    Reset Question

    Yeah. You should reset it once after you get it. If you have a V3 though pressing a+c will simply only turn the sound off. If you have a V3 there is a little placek hole in the back. Stick a pen in it to reset it. (Dont put a pencil or toothpick in there because it could break and stay in the...
  6. K


    If you have one baby the mother gets it. If you have twins the father and mother get one. Hope I helped! (I wanna be a guid)
  7. K


    Prasie it or feed it a snack
  8. K

    New Banner for TT!

    Dats cool but tamatalk is only 1 year old. Admin willo so give you somthin nice
  9. K

    Is it ok?

    Dont paint on it. I think paint has an asid in it. And you just be taking the risk as debuging it
  10. K

    WOW!You will never

    It is very weird It will dissaper as soon as you got somthin good
  11. K

    Tamma changes

    Can A guied close this?
  12. K

    debatchi cute

    Is he
  13. K

    Good or bad character?

    My friends discribe it as a glove with hands
  14. K

    All d Souviners

    If you go to There is a link that say do you have all the gotchi prizes? And if you click on that I t will give you aa list of all the items
  15. K


    Um not to be rude but this is the rong form. This should be posted in tamagotchi cousins
  16. K

    What is this pet?

    You have a piroirootchi. Or somthin like that. Does it look like a glove with hands
  17. K

    shovel helllp!

    Is like da plants