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  1. ichiro.malfoy

    Tamagotchi M!X - New Bandai Trademark

    If you can't see it on your device then double-check next time to make sure you haven't missed anything before hitting the post button. We'd love to help but we don't have enough staff who can look after this thread 24/7 just to clean up after everybody. It's still there - just hidden inside a...
  2. ichiro.malfoy

    Tamagotchi M!X - New Bandai Trademark

    For colour Tamagotchis there is no need to turn the lights off. You won't find those options anywhere, anyway :D
  3. ichiro.malfoy

    Tamagotchi M!X - New Bandai Trademark

    Keep raising her happy bar and you should be fine.
  4. ichiro.malfoy

    Multicolored bunnies in my 4u

    It means you have found one of your character's three favourite items. They will be displayed on a separate page under the status icon.
  5. ichiro.malfoy

    Tamagotchi M!X - New Bandai Trademark

    I have already posted a translation of the menus earlier - scroll back and you'll find it :D
  6. ichiro.malfoy

    Mod Break

    48. OOPS! :P
  7. ichiro.malfoy

    Anyone know the size of the new tamagotchi mixs? (cases)

    It's exactly the same as an iD, iD L and the P's. The m!x features a rounded back unlike the flat one of the 4U.
  8. ichiro.malfoy

    Tamagotchi M!X - New Bandai Trademark

    Here's a menu translation for the m!x if anyone needs it: Fair warning - please don't post this elsewhere without asking for permission first.
  9. ichiro.malfoy

    Use P's to get the Secret Characters on the iD L

    I second this - I used my iD to unlock Prince Tamahiko on my 15th Anniversary (it uses the same requirements as Maisutatchi - connect to the same character 30 or more times).
  10. ichiro.malfoy

    Tamagotcha help

    Are you able to tell us which exact version of the Tamagotchi you are using? Each version has its own set of characters, mechanics, rules, games and methods of gameplay and there is no specific one-size-fits-all kind of help that we can offer at the moment.
  11. ichiro.malfoy

    Keep getting same gender babies on 4U+?

    It's completely random. Your situation was just a coincidence. I had the same scenario with my iD a while back - I had 5 consecutive girls. Nothing serious :P
  12. ichiro.malfoy

    Tamagotchi ID L Sky is RED!

    Skies turn red usually in the afternoon and sunset. It is caused by an effect of the light particles in the atmosphere - same as in real life. Example: PS - Welcome to TamaTalk! Make sure you read the Rules and Regulations, have fun and see you around :D
  13. ichiro.malfoy

    Tamagotchi M!X - New Bandai Trademark

    Yes, it looks like it. I will explore more of this functionality over the next few days.
  14. ichiro.malfoy

    Juggling Tamas with Work/School

    I've been bringing them at work but for the most part I am running the more recent versions which are equipped with either the school/daycare (P's) or babysitter (4U). When I was running the iD L or the Angelgotchi they were fine because they're not very demanding... except for the baby stage...
  15. ichiro.malfoy

    Tamagotchi M!X - New Bandai Trademark

    Received my m!x today :) Some observations so far:
  16. ichiro.malfoy

    Tamagotchi M!X - New Bandai Trademark

    The m!x Stations are not a consumer product. These are the huge Tamagotchi-like devices that are found in Tamagotchi stores and select locations across Japan and act as a medium for people with Tamagotchis to download location-specific items and games.
  17. ichiro.malfoy

    About tamagotchi M!X 2016

    You can find all the information about the upcoming Tamagotchi m!x on this topic. :)
  18. ichiro.malfoy

    Tamagotchi M!X - New Bandai Trademark

    Quick reminder, kids --- let's avoid too much clutter and flooding by posting consecutively. Please be noted that within 24 hours after posting, you can still edit your posts so we recommend using this function if you needed to add more to what you have posted. We also have a MultiQuote function...
  19. ichiro.malfoy

    Pierce Papers

    You're welcome. I will get around to it over the next few days - I am busy IRL at the moment :lol:
  20. ichiro.malfoy

    Where is this place in the tama p's?

    It's called the "Dream Beach". It's pretty much similar to your old-school racing games back in the iD L where you pound your A key until the bar is full. You can get items from winning - one of them is a beach ball.