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  1. ichiro.malfoy

    Mod Break

  2. ichiro.malfoy

    What screwdriver do you need to take apart your tamagotchi?

    They're rarely sold separately - I got mine as a small set. Otherwise, you can visit a watch repair shop or a hardware store near you and ask. They may have one.
  3. ichiro.malfoy

    Mod Break

    No posting links on this topic, please. As a form of penalty I will be sticking around this thread for a while. Mu-ha-ha-ha-ha! :lol:
  4. ichiro.malfoy

    Tamagotchi Friends- help with growth chart!

    Based on experience I don't think there has been any solid growth charts for the Friends - I've had one before and I kept getting Coffretchi for some reason. I ended up selling it :(
  5. ichiro.malfoy

    Mod Break

    I missed you too. :D
  6. ichiro.malfoy

    Another question about acquiring the secret characters on the iDL

    I don't know who your source(s) is/are, but based right off the iD L manual (page 21) connection options are (I've translated them for you): The iD L can only marry on another iD L using the Propose (プロポーズ) option. This will not appear if you select a different model on the connection menu...
  7. ichiro.malfoy

    Another question about acquiring the secret characters on the iDL

    Yes to all questions. In addition to that, the iD L can connect to the +Color as well. You only need one other device - just reset it and give it a different name each time.
  8. ichiro.malfoy

    What screwdriver do you need to take apart your tamagotchi?

    You'll need to use JIS screwdrivers. Sizes #0 and #00 usually work.
  9. ichiro.malfoy

    Mod Break

    30. Or maybe not.
  10. ichiro.malfoy

    Mod Break

  11. ichiro.malfoy

    Mod Break

  12. ichiro.malfoy

    Mod Break

    You shall not pass.
  13. ichiro.malfoy

    Mod Break

    Double-posting detected.
  14. ichiro.malfoy

    Mod Break

    16... not!
  15. ichiro.malfoy

    Day Care

    For the m!x anniversary, no their meters will not go down and they will continue to age if they are in day care/parents' house. The only difference is that they will be dropped off back to your place at 5 pm if they're at the parents' house. For daycare you'll need to pick them up before 5 pm...
  16. ichiro.malfoy

    Mod Break

  17. ichiro.malfoy

    Mod Break

    Are you feeling it now, Mr. Krabs?
  18. ichiro.malfoy

    Mod Break

    Now the party don't start 'till I walk in!
  19. ichiro.malfoy

    Cultural differences in Japan VS UK/AU/US/NZ

    Hi, I couldn't help but notice that the title of the topic is somewhat misleading as the conversation delves more into the topic of localization rather than discussing the Tamagotchi franchise's popularity so I modified the title to make it more appropriate and moved it into its appropriate...
  20. ichiro.malfoy

    Mod Break

    24 Muggles sitting under a tree.