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  1. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    V3 Hatching So, it was a girl and I named her Lilly, because of the lillies on the shell :P I was kind of stuck for names, I know its lame and cliche, but its starting to stick :) There she is as a baby :) And an hour later, she evolved into a Tamatchi. I'm extremely sick...
  2. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    I got some mail today! And I'm going to show you what I got before I show you.. the hatching of my new v3! :) So, I never mentioned that I bought myself a tamagotchi pouch, but, I did :) And, here's my v3 before I unwrapped it :D My next post will be the hatching of my v3 :)
  3. repeat_offender

    Portable Tama Room!

    Really cute! :)
  4. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    TamaGo Update So, it came :) I took some pics of that.. The night before I got this, Steven woke up in the middle of the night to evolve. He evolved into a Kilalatchi. Here's Steven eating bagels at the bread shop on my Ichigotchi figure :) And...I woke up this morning to the most...
  5. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    V2 Update I said I would update as soon as Tree evolved, and that is what I am doing :) At about 8:30pm, she evolved...into a Kuchipachi! :lol: Which is one of my absolute favorites! Except that she looks like a boy XD But whateverrr :3 I'm very happy! I'll update tomorrow, bye...
  6. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    V2 Update Tree has evolved into an onion head :3 The scientific name for onion head is Oniotchi. So, Tree is an Oniotchi. Which fits somehow (: She should be evolving into an adult today, and I'm very excited! I promise I will update as soon as she does! Bye, guys ;D (P.S. My...
  7. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    TamaGo Update I've been putting off logging D: And I shouldn't! Because so much has happened with my TamaGo! So lets get started. A few days ago, Molly had a baby boy :) They stayed with the baby for a few days, and then...they left! They left yesterday :) His name is Steven...
  8. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    I'm going to be logging my tamas a little later today, but I just had a little bit of news. Too excited, just couldn't wait :3 I bought a couple of things ;D Ichigotchi figure for my tamago! :) I don't know what it unlocks but I am excited. And I also decided I could complete my...
  9. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    Starting My V5 I've been thinking about selling my V5 on ebay, but I didn't want to regret it. So just to make sure I really didn't want this tama, I decided to give it one more chance. So, there's the Tammy family. Kind of hope it works out, but bleh. I miss only having one tama...
  10. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    V2 Update I unpaused my TamaGo, but nothing new has happened with it. Nothing has happened with Tree either, but I thought I'd give you a pic :) We've played a lot. She's only 17 pounds :D Thank you guys for almost 700 views <3
  11. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    V2 Update The only tama I'm using right now is my v2. May unpause my other two later today, not sure. But I got baby Tree and I just wanted to give her all the attention :3 Hunger: Full Happiness: Full Training: 1/10 Age: 0yrs Weight: 14lb Gender: Girl Generation: 3 GP: 206 She...
  12. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    TamaGo Update The Date Place finally opened for her :) She had to turn down a Kuromametchi and a Tarakotchi before she met who she wanted. I didn't really approve of the Kikitchi that she chose, but, it was love :3 And with a new husband, I thought I'd redecorate again :) --&gt...
  13. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    V1 Update The matchmaker came for Pogo this morning :) But unfortunately it was dark and I didn't get any pictures :( I did take one of just him and his baby though :) And he married a Gozarutchi. Which is weird to me. Its a boy :) Not sure what I'll name him yet.
  14. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    V2 Update The Matchmaker came for Betti! :) Its a girl! :) Since she had her baby in the back yard, under this tree, I'm going to name the baby Tree x3 That's it for now! I'm expecting Pogo to get the matchmaker soon too :) Bye!
  15. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    The weather is soooo nice today (: So I'm logging from outside XD Nothing really new has happened, but I realized that I've only posted one picture of my Lovelitchi! That's crazy. Just a few minutes ago, she took a bath, so I have a super cute picture of that :3 Thats all. I know, boring...
  16. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    V1/V2 Update Here's a slightly quick update :) My v4 and v4.5 tamas require more attention than I feel like giving at the moment, but my v1 and v2 do not :) So I decided to unpause them. I'll of course still be keeping up with my TamaGo, but I'll be updating on those two as well. So...
  17. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    WOW, it has been a while :o But I'm back ;D And I'm here to bring some unbelievably exciting news :3 MOLLY EVOLVED INTO A LOVELITCHI! OMG OMG OMG;) She evolved about 3 days ago. I was excited but...I'm not sure why I didn't post XD Anyways, a picture of course ;3 Isn't she just the...
  18. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    Alright! Good news first! Tomorrow is my cousin's birthday, so my grandma and I took him to Toys R Us for a little shopping spree ;3 I took the opportunity to...get another figure for myself while I was there XD And you might have noticed the new faceplate in my previous update? I got the...
  19. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    I have lots of news, so this update will be split into a couple posts :) First, Molly evolved into a super cute Shelltchi! Probably the cutest tama I've seen yet! She only needs 1 more training bar, and she has all friendship hearts :) Very, very cute :3 And last night, I found...
  20. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    So, some good news :) Baconator and his wife had a baby! The egg hatched into a little baby girl, and they left...immediately after :( I didn't think that was how it was suppose to go.. Didn't even get to say bye D': But here are her baby pictures... Very cute :) I've decided...