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  1. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    V2 Update I've made it further than I ever have before:D I've made it to Generation 6! And this morning I got my baby girl, who I named Sugar. An hour later, she evolved into a hitodetchi:) All for now, bye:)
  2. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    Angelgotchi Update Yesterday was my wedding shower, so I had no time to play with my tamas at all. But the day before, my angel evolved into a Kuriten :) His angel points are going down because I haven't had much time to play with him :( Thats all for now though..
  3. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    Angelgotchi Update Yesterday afternoon, I caught my angel taking a stroll :) I tried to call it back, but it only opened the door and closed it again. Still getting the hang of this :) Yesterday around the same time, he evolved into a Kodoten, for good care! :) I'll update later...
  4. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    V2 Update Spark had a baby this morning! :) :3 its a girl. I'll think about names later today!
  5. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    Angelgotchi Update Okay, I'm figuring it out some more :) Yesterday evening, my little angel evolved into a Maruten. He has 40 Angel Points, and 3 marks on his Good Deeds meter :) Its a pretty needy tama, but I still really love it. :D Spark may have a baby today, but I'm not too...
  6. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    Unboxing My Angelgotchi! I got the Pearl Blue one :) I think its the prettiest. And its so tiny :) So, right now I have a cute little Okbaketchi :) I'm afraid I may get a bad care character though because right now, I have no idea how to raise its happy bar. I need to...
  7. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    This is the first time I've ever seen that. :D It brightened my morning. :3
  8. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    Bad News :( It didn't come. I don't know why, because we got a note in our mailbox saying that it would be delivered today. But I'm going to make SURE I get it tomorrow. Its my birthday, I have to :( I'm going to go to the post office and make sure its in my hands tomorrow. Until then...
  9. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    V2 Update Yesterday (late, for some reason) Spark evolved into a Kuchipatchi :wub:   V3 Update - Last Update D: About two days ago, Berry evolved into a Bunbuntchi! Which is very cute, and a character that not only have I never gotten before, but I've never even seen or heard of that...
  10. repeat_offender

    Group Hatch ( July 11th 2011)

    Hatched a baby girl at 10:30am this morning :) Haven't had time to play too many games with her, but she's still doing good. I named her Chirp, because every time I see a little baby tama come out of its egg, I imagine it would make a little *chirp!* sound :3 An hour later, she evolved into...
  11. repeat_offender

    Group Hatch ( July 11th 2011)

    Alright! :)
  12. repeat_offender

    Group Hatch ( July 11th 2011)

    I'd love to join the hatch! :) I've never done one before. I'll join with my V1, and reset it. Is there any specific time of day someone who isn't moving on to another generation would need to hatch their tama? Mine has the little egg on screen, just need to know when to start it up, :)
  13. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    V2 Update Teen Spark :3 Looks like a boy. :D
  14. repeat_offender

    Tamagotchi v4.5 log (:

    V2 Update Good morning! I finally have Spark all to myself! An hour of playing later, she evolved: V3 Update Berry evolved yesterday, and I totally forgot to update! <_< And one last thing :) My birthday is next week! The 14th :D And, my mom bought me a very awesome...
  15. repeat_offender

    Unusual/convenient Tamagotchi Holders?

    I use to have a little makeup bag that they fit in perfectly. But now I just put them in my purse.
  16. repeat_offender

    Music star feature?

    There is a lot of things I don't like about the music star, even though I have more music star tamas than any other version XD I don't like how hard it is to feed your tama after it grows up. If you don't succeed, you can't really do much because you have no money. I don't like how much work...
  17. repeat_offender

    So.. I just got my Tamago...

    I think absolutely the same exact things you think XD The biggest downer was the size. Its a monster. The food choices didn't bother me much. I did like the customizable rooms. I liked the figures, but I wish they just came with the game. They're cute, but it was so annoying knowing you...
  18. repeat_offender

    Is a V3 worth buying?

    I like the V3, but not as much as the V2. The games are a little bit more time-consuming. Fun, if you have the time to play. But if you just need something quick to get your tama to slim down or cheer up, it isn't the best in my opinion.
  19. repeat_offender

    How many Tamagotchi's are you running at the moment?

    Two, a V2 and a V3. Thinking about pausing my V3 when I get my japanese angelgotchi for my birthday next thursday(: So two ;P
  20. repeat_offender

    Help me Identify this tama

    I had the set with the tree, the globe one was my favorite 4.5 :)