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  1. T


    I was walking around the school with a clipboard, observing what I saw, writing it down. I'd been at this 3 hours and so far, I'd only written, 'Mrs Grant likes Mr Davison' and 'Mr Jacke to quit his job.' This was hopeless. Surely Alex or Bradley hat got some better stuff than me, I wasn't going...
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    'Ah, come in,' Mrs Soule, the head said after we had knocked on the door, 'I have been expecting you.' We nervously walked into the head's office. I didn't really know what to expect of the office, it was pretty normal I suppose. There was a coffee stained table about the size of, well, a coffee...
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    Hello guys! I've just finished my latest story Forever and I thought, why not post it on TamaTalk? Soon, the first few parts will be out and you can read them but in the meantime, you can look at the prologue I was sitting in another boring lesson with Mr Thomas. Mr Thomas is our D.T teacher...
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    hypno love

    This girl was well known for her beauty. When all of the boy's friends at school found out, they were really jealous. But their teacher was magic, and he knew that something weird was going on.
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    The Three Loners & The Truth Within

    I read the Three Loners and I love it!
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    Martello's Robber Mystery

    What do you think of Part 2? Who stole the cash. PS. The pouch has quite a lot to do with it. (Clue!)
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    Coments for Mametchis quest

    Thanks, I'm really enjoying it. Mametchi and Memetchi, will they die? That is the question
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    Coments for Mametchis quest

    Yay! Part 3 is through. Will there be more soon?
  9. T

    Martello's Robbery Mystery

    Bob, Ploddy and Fred all work at The Royal Mint. The Royal Mint is where money is made. In the past, many workers there have tried to steal money but have never succeeded. Just yesterday, it happened again. The detectives were at the seen for hours and all they know is that the culprit is...
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    Martello's Robber Mystery

    Thanks! The second edition is about to be posted
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    Martello's Robber Mystery

    Who did it then? Who do you think? I will reveal it soon.
  12. T

    Martello's Robbery Mystery

    Six people are at the castle of Nana Lenoir: Nana Lenoir, 65, artist, widow, lives in castle Mauricegotchi, 59, lawyer, very rich, very hansome Veroniquegotchi, 21, actress and dancer, lively, very beautiful Rachelgotchi, 42, shop assistant, shy, divorced Brunogotchi, 30, businessman...
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    Coments for Mametchis quest

    Thanks. It still hasn't come through yet!
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    The Saddle Club

    At Pine Hollow stables at Willow Creek in Australia, Stevie, Carol and Lisa, the stable's best students were getting ready for their first ever lesson. Max, the head of the stables was outside in what he called 'The Riding Ring' (a circular ring that people learn to ride in) setting up the small...
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    Coments for Mametchis quest

    It's amazing! Please write Part 3
  16. T

    Barry the V4.5

    I forgot to tell you that earlier, I had a whopping 36... yes 36... games with one of my other friends. This time that Barry was younger than my friend's but still won 19! Just over half. Now Barry doesn't really want to go to music school, he wants to go to the new school for older tamas. Since...
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    Barry the V4.5

    Barry is now a Crackertchi. Once again, I am trying to find a growth chart which I can use to show you all of the families and everything. He is in the Ura Meme family. More soon!
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    They are a huge con! I saw 8 of them selling on a shopping channel for £5!!
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    Barry the V4.5

    Barry just had a skull and crossbones and a toothache. I don't why he had a skull and crossbones, I don't think I was feeding him wrong or neglecting him but oh well, two spoons of medicine cured the s+c and one spoon of medicine cured the toothache. I've been playing a few games of Tug of War...
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    Barry the V4.5

    I had a total of 11 games with my friend. Clever Barry won 7 and a devistated Lilun (my friend's tama's name) only won 4. Before I could do anything about it, I got sent a present and it was a U.F.O! Barry can use it soon.