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  1. nizidafabie

    Comment by 'nizidafabie' in media '2-2948-New-camera-testing--by-mimitchi.jpg'

    Is it a V4? Yeey For V4 and V4.5! ^^
  2. nizidafabie

    The Sims Series

    I have played Sims 1,2 and 3. I prefer sims 2 too because it's just better than the others. I played Simcity too ;)
  3. nizidafabie


    I don't know because i only have a V4 but, It seems like the people with a tamago and music star can play together.
  4. nizidafabie

    Keychains for your Tamagotchi

    Here is a picture of my current keychain: I'm still making the Perler bead One ;) You can see it on my avatar with a better resolution. Any requests? I'll make it! ^^ I'm trying to make a mamechi bead thingy, It's not very difficult. You just need to know how to do it..
  5. nizidafabie

    Nizidafabies Tama Log!

    Hey everyone!! I photographed my tama with my mobile phone! ^^ Here it is!: Photo of my Tama V4 with new keychain! (still making new ones, So if you have requests, Ask me! ;) ) Sorry for bad quillity, xD You can see my fingers on here.. Its a photo of my Mamechi Bob! :D Yeey! I hope...
  6. nizidafabie

    How much is a Nano Baby worth?

    Hmm.. Ok.. Didn't kow that, I understand why you want to sell it. xD I think it dies more than an unpaused tama. because it's needy.. :P
  7. nizidafabie

    2012 new years hatch

    I think my second Gen. Comes on that date, Can I join?
  8. nizidafabie

    iD-L Christmas

    Hmm.. On the V4 There is a Talking Cristmas tree, But this is cool! ^^ Doesn't it get dark when your tama goes to sleep? Like the older tamas? ....Weird...
  9. nizidafabie

    you know you're obsessed when...

    - When you take your tama to school, even when you're too embarresed to let anyone see it. -when you take your tama too church, and care for it even when they are busy praying. - when your mother gets crazy because you yell everytime something happend (things like: Jobs, marriage, age..) -...
  10. nizidafabie

    Nizidafabies Tama Log!

    Today, I have logged earlier because i have a christmas concert. With the Band i'm in. In the church. I hope my little mamechi will like it, Because he is coming with me xD Still don't have pictures, The cameras are dead or are playing hide and seek with me. Today the talking Christmastree...
  11. nizidafabie


    Your time is one hour ahead of mine, S we could figure it out together..
  12. nizidafabie

    The 1 word story.

  13. nizidafabie

    New Angelgotchi Petition

    Name: Fabiënne Country: The Netherlands I think they should be availble In Europe too, Because most of the cool tamagotchis go to the USA or stay in Japan. It would be nice to have tamagotchis on the market again here. Tamaguyjayy said: V4 version Is not really that bad. I own one and i...
  14. nizidafabie


    What is 9:30 aus time in my country? Hmm.. Lets see.. I don't know :(
  15. nizidafabie

    Keychains for your Tamagotchi

    I will do that for sure! ;) I have a cute keychain now.. Still making one with perler beads. I hope it comes out right,because as you can see on my avatar, The europe version doesn't have a normal keychain but a metal ball kind of thing. (I don't know how you call it :P )
  16. nizidafabie

    Keychains for your Tamagotchi

    I'm making a perler beads keychain like that one on the original post.. Yeey! *switches to creative mode*
  17. nizidafabie

    Tamatown missing plugin?

    It works fine now! Thanks! What a shame you need a music star or tama go to log in as normal member. I don't have them..
  18. nizidafabie

    8 day countdown to Christmas :D

    Oh noes! iT'S TOO LATE! I have hatched a new one anyway.. It's a mamechi now ^^ Yeey! Today peeps with a V1 Hatch. I only have a V4 ;) So yeah.. Mine tama is 3 years. (so i have hatched him 4 days ago..) And that date is the 20th! so i'm in the group now :D
  19. nizidafabie

    How much is a Nano Baby worth?

    Hmm.. Never heard of that thing.. Might be cool :D
  20. nizidafabie

    Nizidafabies Tama Log!

    Yes! He evaluated To a Mamechi! I'm so happy! He is an adult now.. It don't take long till the machmaker arrives i think! Oh My! He looks so Cute! My friend visited today, and i bought her to the train station. When i arrived home again, Bob became an adult! And he is now only 3 years...