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  1. nizidafabie

    Tamagotchi UNI Log

    So, now that I finally got to modification of my Uni, and it no longer looks like a default device. I think I'll try to log back about what's going on with this little tama. Currently, I am at the adult stage of a Milkchi. I have been running her for 10 days, and she's the child of my hotcakechi...
  2. nizidafabie

    Revived my account. Hi everyone!

    I did draw it myself! I'm an artist actually. Just gonna add this here, but if you wanna see my other work you can look me up on instagram. My handle there is Petalofdreams And glad I wasn't the only cringe 13 year old. I just hope it doesnt affect my digital footprint (hAHA)
  3. nizidafabie

    New Year’s hatch anyone?

    Oh this is fun! I might rehatch my old V4 again just for old time sake. Now I have a reason to. Lets see how long I can keep it alive
  4. nizidafabie

    What is the best Tamagotchi for a starter?

    I have yet to find any glitches in my unit. And I've had it for a decade now! Might be good to add that mine is a European unit. It just says "tamagotchi" on the front. Could it be that it was just the american units who had this problem? I'm just guessing here, and I haven't researched this at...
  5. nizidafabie

    What is the best Tamagotchi for a starter?

    I personally started off with a tamagotchi connection V4 and in my opinion it's not too hard to care for. Then again, I haven't tried all of the tamas concidering I just have 3
  6. nizidafabie

    I'm Loop and I'm new here.

    Oh! I was actually pretty curious about the punirunes. It looks kinda cool with the physical touch element of it. Definately check back with some thoughts on it. I'm curious about it
  7. nizidafabie

    Revived my account. Hi everyone!

    I decided I'd revive my account concidering I recently got my own Tamagotchi UNI! For ages as a kid I had been dreaming of having one of those cool color screen tama's they had in Japan and now I could finally buy one (with adult money) Being back on the forums after so long sure brings back so...
  8. nizidafabie

    I'm back!

    I Missed it here, honestly!
  9. nizidafabie

    What do you collect? Show it off!

    I collect Barbie dolls since my childhood but, i nowadays also have a thing for vintage toys and other curiosities I own a Tumblr blog all about it right here <- though most of the content is reblogged right now, i'll tro to post more
  10. nizidafabie

    Any musicians?

    I play French Horn but aside that i also have a collection of different sizes of recorder and a tin wistle.
  11. nizidafabie

    I'm back!

    Thank you so much! I'll look forward to become active again :)
  12. nizidafabie

    I'm back!

    Wowie, it's been a while since i visited. I guess it's been at least 4 years. I probably dissapeared all of the sudden i'm sorry guys (lol) Most of you probably don't even know me because i haven't  been on for so long. I actually got reminded of TamaTalk by the admin on the Twitter account. I...
  13. nizidafabie

    Japanese basics to understand the Tamagotchi anime

    Those words don't really exist tho If i wanted to say "The cat" I'd say "Neko desu" But that also means "Thats a cat" or "He/she's a cat" a few of these do exist, but what they mean really depend on the context of the sentence
  14. nizidafabie

    Taobao seller with weird V-pets and devices

    I once had 2 fakes, and i was pretty happy with it. then again, i was like... 9 or 10 maybe. now i only collect the legit ones xD
  15. nizidafabie

    how can i buy a fake from JiDan's website?

    Oh wow, the HoneyLover ones i heard they have the S word on screen Imagine little kids playng with that thing. If i was a parent i would never get my kiddo any of that xD
  16. nizidafabie


    I always paused it, then unpaused it in lunchbreaks to check on it. it does affect the time it takes until evolving, but i guess it's the best option. you could also just turn the sound off by pressing the A and the C at the same time. but i wouldn't reccomend that because you'll have a...
  17. nizidafabie

    Nizidafabies Tama Log!

    Hello everyone! It has been such a long time since i've updated you! of course my last tamagotchi did die, but i've hatched a new one. On my V4 there is now: Alys 0 years currently. and of course it's a girl. But i also brought a new Tamagotchi Friends today. wich has my Mitsumaruchi in...
  18. nizidafabie


    I'm happy the Europe servers are still online. I think they'll never dissappear. as for V4 Owners, this link should work :3
  19. nizidafabie

    Nizidafabies Tama Log!

    Okay, Okay s**t. Nelis died because of a battery outtage. I now have my Debby though. :3 she's still a baby, but im determined my baby will survive this time. We'll see how long i can keep her alive. xD Don't think i don't love her though! >u< I'm now saving up for lots of stuff to...