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  1. C

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    0/10. You don't have one. o.o
  2. C

    What level are on you MapleStory?

    Awesome! What'cha gonna buy? o.o
  3. C

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    5/10. I'm not a fan of Avril Lavigne - Sorry!
  4. C


    Hello - Welcome to Tamatalk! I hope you enjoy youself here. :mametchi: Please read though all the Rules & Guidelines, and I'm sure you'll settle in fine. Any other questions? Send me a PM.
  5. C


    Hello - Welcome to Tamatalk! I hope you enjoy youself here. :mametchi: Please read though all the Rules & Guidelines, and I'm sure you'll settle in fine. Any other questions? Send me a PM.
  6. C

    Hey im Molly

    Hello - Welcome to Tamatalk! I hope you enjoy youself here. :mametchi: Please read though all the Rules & Guidelines, and I'm sure you'll settle in fine. Any other questions? Send me a PM.
  7. C

    im new

    Hello - Welcome to Tamatalk! I hope you enjoy youself here. :mametchi: Please read though all the Rules & Guidelines, and I'm sure you'll settle in fine. Any other questions? Send me a message.
  8. C

    The Button Room!

    You get nothing. =| I press the red, *shiney* button.
  9. C

    What level are on you MapleStory?

    It also helps to train at less populated channels. That's what I do sometimes when I want to level up. xD
  10. C

    Avril Lavigne

    Hahah, Have you heard the song in the 7 other languages it was recorded in? :mametchi: Madarin Italian French German Japanese Portuguese Spanish
  11. C

    What are you listening to now?

    Thnks Fr Th Mmrs - Fallout boy.
  12. C

    Tamagotchi Wikia!

    Awesome! I've joined, so I guess I'll start contributing. Thanks for putting it together, OsuMesu21! :mametchi:
  13. C

    Planet Discovered

    The sun isn't even a planet. ;)
  14. C

    Planet Discovered

    Accually, It's a dwarf plantet or something. o.o
  15. C

    What are you listening to now?

    Now I'm listening to "Wow, I can get sexual too" by Say Anything. xD
  16. C

    What are you listening to now?

    Pretty simple, just post what song you're listening to now. xD I guess I'll go first. o.o The Place you are - Exit the Ordinary
  17. C

    What level are on you MapleStory?

    xD I will be, like, really soon... I hope. o.o
  18. C

    Is anyone from New Zealand

    xD That isn't a limerick. </offtopic>
  19. C

    New Blogagotchi

    This? That's pretty much the only thing on Tamatalk that mentions Blogagotchi... :D Also, please don't advertise your blog. You can always post a link in your signature. ><
  20. C

    Have you ever gotton an...INJURY?!

    When I was 4, I fell through a glass door. =|