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  1. C

    What level are on you MapleStory?

    I belive that they're dropped from random monsters, but I could be wrong... o.o
  2. C

    What level are on you MapleStory?

    Whoa, really? Awesome! Lol, I completed the candle quest, and got the Maple Flag from it, and someone offered 100k. xD I sold it to them and the dropped it and left it. So I picked it up again and am trying to sell it. xD >.>
  3. C

    What level are on you MapleStory?

    Soon to be 20. xD Did anyone find a Maple Headband yet? Someone gave me one. EDIT: Whoa, I just figured out how to get from KFT to Ludibrium. I wish I had figured that out before I bought a ticket to Ludibrium. xd
  4. C

    v4.5 Characters

    Probably, but it dosen't look like they have the Blue LCD like the Uratama. >< I guess we'll just have to wait and see! :B
  5. C

    Items list!

    I wouldn't say that it's like soveniers - because there are only 32 of them, but there are more than 32 items. Once you have all the soveniers, there aren't any more to get.
  6. C

    What level are on you MapleStory?

    Yay! Major Congratulations!
  7. C

    Name Glitches - the evilest things

    No - That isn't normal. It would be considered a glitch. However, you said the name changed from Kandi to Landi? Hmm, Since the letters 'K' and 'L' are next to each other in the alphabet, are you sure you didn't make that mistake on your own?
  8. C

    What level are on you MapleStory?

    That's probably why different servers and channels are created... if there was just one server and one channel... Yikes. o.o EDIT: 1,800th post! </off topic>
  9. C

    Items list!

    Don't worry, that's normal. The item limit is 32, not 30.
  10. C

    Need there a tip?

    You can't really make it age faster, just be patient. xD
  11. C

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    9.5/10. Very cute.
  12. C

    What level are on you MapleStory?

    Nope, you can only contact people from your server.
  13. C

    What level are on you MapleStory?

    Don't forget El Nath. xD There's also more towns coming soon. EDIT: Ugh, I died on the Ship back to Victoria Island. All of a sudden there were Balrogs on the ship. So I died, and had to return back to Orbis, without my ticket. So I had to buy a new one. x_X
  14. C

    What level are on you MapleStory?

    Has anyone been to Orbis yet? I love it. T_T Aqua is so much fun... I'm there now. xD
  15. C


    Just because your friend told you dosen't make it ture. And another thing - The guy in the Barney suit dosen't even do the talking. o_o I sound really weird about now, huh? xD
  16. C


    That is such a lie. =|
  17. C

    is seriously non tamatalk talking about wrong/

    Well, it is Serioisly (Non)Tamatalk, so there are going to be serious and mature topics there. If you don't like it, don't read it. It's as simple as that. No one is forcing you to read it.
  18. C

    Do you look at how many posts someone has when....

    I do on occasian - but just out of curiosity. It dosen't really matter how many posts you have.
  19. C

    Which one of these Dinkie Dino's is fake?

    No - That isn't real either. =| I'm also about the ones posted in the first post, but there's a picture of a real one here.
  20. C

    I'm back...

    Glad to see you back, Banoon! =D