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  1. T


    What did ch'ya get? I am sure it is awesomely awesome!
  2. T

    ASCII Art

    Why thank you :angry: I love yours too ♥abby
  3. T

    ASCII Art

    People Abby♥           ,-----.            W/,-. ,-.\W            ()>a   a<()            (.--(_)--.)          ,'/.-'\_/`-.\`.        ,' /    `-'    \ `.       /   \           /   \      /     `.       ,'     \     /    /   `-._.-'   \    \   ,-`-._/|     |=|o    |\_.-<  <,--.)...
  4. T

    Geico Caveman...

    uhuh, it was a funny comercial but a Tv show? no way... ♥abby
  5. T

    My Hamster can Type!

    Awwwwwwww that is so cute. My dog is big so she would crush the Computer, but she does tlk on the phone to ppl. lol ♥abby
  6. T


    Nice idea Summer.F, Club Penguin posts a general time so no matter what time zone you are in, you can tell what time it is CP time. I don't really wanna bring this up, but if over 7oo+ people joined in and did it it might crash the site :kuribotchi: And no more TamaTalk for a while abby♥
  7. T

    House m.d

    I guess no one is quite a fan like us, lol. Can I ask a Question, where do you get the funny house avatars? thankies tt1o1
  8. T


    Same thought I have, Some shows on Dis. are ok? Yea sure But not all can be awesome. Witches Of Waverly Place looks like a dud and same with 'As the Bell rings' But look at the succsess of Hannah Montana, HSM 1 and 2, and many more show. I have to admit that some are good and others are bleh 0.o
  9. T


    iCarly Ned's Declassified Drake and Josh Zoey 1o1 All the Teen-Nick stuff :)
  10. T

    Are Ipods getting ridiculous?

    I am getting a new Nano to replace my 1st Gen. Shuffle... I don't think they are doing anything wrong, its just a business trying to get more money, like any other. ♥abby
  11. T

    Name your friends

    I only really tlk to **UrItChI** But if you need a friend PM me!
  12. T


    yea, and when you go to heaven you can see your dog as much as you want and you'll whole family will be together again, as that is what I believe. Good Job TWP My dog is 14 and hasn't died yet so spend as much time as you can so when the time comes, not matter how old she is, you would have had...
  13. T


    I believe every thing has a place in heaven, even doggies! :angry: abby
  14. T

    What are you currently reading?

    Hatchet, its really good and my second time reading it but we have to read it for school :angry:
  15. T


    Happy Happy Birthday To You :( Hope it's great, ~abby
  16. T

    ASCII Art

    Another {sorry for double post, It won't let me, too many charachters or something}   ,--.                          _/ <`-'                      ,-.' \--\_                     ((`-.__\   )                      \`'    @ (_                      (        (_)                     ,'`-._(`-._/  ...
  17. T

    ASCII Art

    {EDIT: It worked!} I'll post more later I think
  18. T


    You are sooooo welcome!
  19. T

    What is your favorite store?

    Of course! Discounts are the only way I shop... I never spend more than $10 on anything, unless it's shoes. At Platos, I got a 60$ sweatshirt for 6$!
  20. T

    Whats your Tamatalk Skin?

    I just changed mine! It's the orange one, lol.